24 | dead street

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* All of the sudden someone took a hold of Jieun's hair and dragged her with all they got. She started screaming and took a hold of her hair. The bodyguards ran there to get a hold of Jieun but then I got pulled instead, "What the fuck are you doing?!" I said which caught Taehyung's attention as he was focused on Jieun, "Get off her!" he said and took my arm.

"Only if you promise to stop hanging out with them!" the crazy girl said. I looked at Jieun and she was now okey and the guards had the other girl on the ground.

"If you don't let go of my hair now you don't even want to know what I'll do to you!" I said doing everything in my power to stand straight "As if you could defend yourself!" she said and laughed "Okey you asked for it." I said, took a hold of her shirt on the back, locked her leg with my left one and threw her over my shoulder, "You don't think I took self-defense lessons as a kid?" it looked like she could cry any second "I swear on my parents money, if I ever see your face again you won't see anything else then darkness, leave!" I said and let go of her, "Let her go." Jungkook told the guards.

They ran away with tears in their eyes and I could hear Jimin curse under his breath.

"That was impressive Emily!" Jungkook said I just smiled "Jieun are you alright?" I asked her "Yes are you?" I smiled "I am, let's go home." I said, kissed her forehead and then we walked towards the car. *

Kim Taehyung's POV

What Emily did back there was really unexpected but also really attractive. She showed the world that she can take care of herself but I still feel the need to protect her.

She's probably going to get a lot of different responds to that since almost the entire place was recording and taking pictures. Some will think she did the right thing and some won't but no matter what, she has our backs. She did the right thing.

The car ride back to the hotel was quiet, Jieun and Emily held hands the entire way. We knew what they just experienced was shaking so we decided to respect the silence they needed.

I looked down at their hands to see Jieun shaking like she saw someone die. She is tough but I guess something like this got to her since it never happened before. In one way I think she understands the girls that went up to them. To see that girl being pushed down unto the ground was hard for everyone.

Suddenly it vibrated in my pocket so Jimin looked at me.



Guys what happened?


On Disney land!
It's all over twitter

Two army's came up to us and
started attacking them telling us 
to stop hanging out with them

Let's talk about it when
we meet

Okey Hyung


Jimin read the conversation as were talking and he just looked at me and then at the girls. I genuinely don't think it will be hard for Emily to talk about it but Jieun is another level. 

A few minutes later we arrived at the hotel and Namjoon stood there with crossed arms. The girls didn't look happy. 

Emily McCoy's POV

"Hey" I said lowly and the others just stared at us "Let's go up to the rooms" Yoongi said and just started walking away, with the others following without a word. We took the elevator and it was so silent and awkward, you could hear a pin drop. 

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