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I woke up to the sound of pounding on Josh and Jake's door. My eyes shot open and Jake groaned. "Fuck off!" Jake shouted as his grip around me tightened.

    "Jake I had to sleep on the couch." Josh said through the door. "I forgot I locked the door." Jake said groaning. "Jake, I'm going to change." I said but he didn't let go of me. "I need you to let go of me." I said quietly. "Oh, my bad." He said.

    I wiggled out of his bed and went over to Josh's dresser and went into my drawer picking out an outfit. "Shit, what time is it?" I asked Jake. He leaned over and looked at the clock on his nightstand. "6." He said.

    I unlocked the door to the room and I was met with Josh, Danny, and Sam staring at me. "Umm." I said before walking past them to the bathroom.

    I closed the bathroom door and turned on the water for the shower. I got undressed and stepped into the shower.

    After I got done with my shower I walked out of the bathroom and walked downstairs. Jake was at the counter on his phone. He watched as I walked to the coffee maker. "Are you okay?" I heard him say. I turned towards him and nodded my head. "That's good he said coming closer to me.

    I grabbed a mug from the cabinet above him. After I closed the cabinet he looked at me. "What?" I asked as a smile was threatening to put itself on my lips. "Nothing." Jake said before looking away. "Mhm..." I hummed causing him to look at me again.

    I just shook my head and poured some coffee into the cup. "Do you maybe want to hangout after school?" Jake asked breaking the silence. "Depends." I said smirking at him.

"I'm trying to understand you... and get you." Jake said sighing. "Aww, I know." I said giving him a fake sympathetic look. "I'm trying." He said sharply as he stood up straight.

"What would we do when we are hanging out?" I asked hoisting myself up onto the counter. "Watch a movie, maybe lay up on the roof." He said moving adjusting his self in between my legs.

"I'm down." I said as I playfully shoved him backwards. Josh walked into the kitchen and hoisted himself up on the counter next to me. "So, what happened between yall?" Josh asked referring to Jake and I. "Nothing, he's just trying to understand me." I simply said.

"Hmm." Josh hummed as he placed his head on my shoulder. Soon Danny and Sam came into the kitchen. "Was Harrison nice to you last night?" Sam asked smirking. I gave him a disgusted look, and it wasn't a joking one. Josh took his head off of my shoulder and shook it at Sam.

"Oh." Sam said standing up straight. Jake moved from in between my legs as he led Danny and Sam out of the kitchen. "Jake told me while you were in the shower." Josh admitted. I sighed and let my head hand. "Sorry he did that." Josh said rubbing my back softly.

"Well, I feel better now, kinda." I said playing my head on Josh's shoulder. "Jake diving you to school?" Josh asked. "I don't know, probably not." I said closing my eyes for a minute.

"Finals are today." Josh said trying to cheer me up. "I find school annoying, Josh." I said picking up my head from his shoulder. He rolled his eyes playfully as I pushed myself off of the counter top.

Ronnie past me coming down the stairs as I made my way up the stairs. I walked into Jake and Josh's bedroom. I slipped on my converse and grabbed my phone off of Jake's nightstand. I made I had everything in my book bag before going downstairs.

"Anyone want a ride?" I offered before I walked out of the door. Ronnie came towards me holding her hand up with a piece of toast in her mouth.

Ronnie and I made our way to my car. "So, I heard you throwing up and crying last night." Ronnie said finishing her toast as we drove down the road. "Yeah..." I said quietly. "What happened?" She asked.

I glanced over at her for a second and she was looking at me with a worried expression. "Some boys, can be jerks and try to do stuff I don't want to, and they try to force it." I said as I gripped the steering wheel, my knuckles turning white. "So, basically a guy tried to force himself onto you?" She asked.

I looked over at her with wide eyes. "Yeah." I said softly. "I have a question." Ronnie said as I saw her pull out her phone from her bag. "Ask away." I said glancing over and she was on instagram. "Do you like my brother?" She asked plainly.

My eyes went wide as they stayed glued onto the road. "Uhh," I said before taking a brief pause. "Which one?" "Jake." She said dryly. "I'm slowly getting... fond of him." I said scrunching my face up. "That's good, I'm tired of hearing yall argue." She said looking out the window. I just let a laugh escape.

"Oh, another question." She said putting her phone in her book bag. "Can you drive me and some of my friends home after school?" "I mean only 3 people can fit back there." I said pointing to my backseats with my thumb. "That's ok." She said. "Yeah, I will meet yall after class then." I said as I pulled into the high school parking lot.

"Thank you." She said before getting out of my car. I walked into the school alone. I walked into the cafeteria to see Danny waiting at the table with Rylee and Hannah. "They will be here soon." I said announcing as I sat down next to Danny.

I have no idea how we got here before me, but I wasn't worried about that. Danny put his arm on the back of my chair and leaned close to my ear and whispered, "Jake told Sam and I." I sighed leaning back in my chair and closing my eyes. "Oh my gosh." I muttered.

Hopefully he wouldn't tell anyone else. Soon, Jake, Sam, and Josh made their way into the cafeteria. They sat down and started making conversations with the girls that waited for them, except Jake. Jake was on his phone.

    I had put my head on the table not realizing I started to drift asleep. The bell rang and I shot straight up out of my chair knocking it straight back onto the floor. The table started laughing as I groaned picking it up along with my book bag.

    I walked to my first class, AP Literature. Jake came running up next to me and handing me a piece of paper. I unfolded the piece of paper as I sat down at my desk.

Meet me on the roof, 8 p.m.
Wear something warm.

    -Stone Cold Crazy Guy

    I laughed mentally but smiled physically at the name he referred himself as.

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