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Danny must've set an alarm because his phone started blaring. I sat up quickly trying to find his phone only to find it under my pillow, no wonder it was so loud.

    Danny groaned and sat up next to me. "Good morning, Esmay." He said ruffling my hair. "Good morning, Danny." I said rubbing my eyes.

    "Do you want to take a shower at my house?" He asked as I stood up from my bed. "Yea." I said putting on a pair of socks and tying my shoes.

    Danny got dressed in his clothes from yesterday and waited for me to grab Sam's clothes. We walked out of my house to my car, Danny insisted on driving so I let him.

    We got over to his house and his mom was already up. Danny explained to his mom why he wasn't home last night while I showered. His mom loved me but she didn't know my living situation so she didn't mind letting me spend the night here if I wanted to.

    I got dressed, I wore a denim collar flare leg jumpsuit with a white undershirt. I even put a little bit of mascara to try to regain my confidence but Jake's words just kept coming back into my head.

    After I got done showering, his mom, Lori made us some pancakes, he ate real quick and then went and took a shower.

    He came downstairs scrunching his hair with his towel.

    We made our way to school, he had his window rolled down so it would dry faster.

    Danny and I got out and made our way to the cafeteria, we all usually meet up there in the mornings if we didn't spend the night at the Kiszkas'.

    "Hey Esmay, I'm glad you're okay." Sam said bringing me into a hug. "Hey Sam." I said patting his back. I handed him his clothes back and said, "I didn't mean to wear them home." He waved me off as we all sat down.

    Josh, Rylee, and Hannah made their way over. Josh leaned down and wrapped his arms around me neck. "Hi Es." He said with a bright smile on his face before placing a small kiss on my cheek. I wiped it off jokingly as they all laughed except Hannah and Rylee, they just shared weird looks between each other.

    Then the person who said those very hurtful words made his way over. I laid my head down on the table not wanting to look at him, God why was he like that.

    I lifted my head back up telling myself that I have to face it. I met his eyes form across the table, but I quickly looked away. My phone buzzed on the table and I quickly picked up.

    It was a text from him.

Jacob Kiszka: I'm sorry, I didn't mean it

    I was astonished from what I was seeing.

Me: I'm sure you don't.
Jacob Kiszka: You're right, I don't but my family is mad at me
Me: Sounds like a personal problem.

    I turned my phone off completely and laid my head back down onto the table.

    I felt some head laying on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" Josh asked whispering. I placed my phone in his lap not looking up. "Messages." I said quietly. I saw the screen illuminate onto his face.

    He sat up and just leaned back into his chair still staring at my screen. He scoffed which caused me to sit up. I leaned my head onto his shoulder. "That's funny when you said that." Josh said with a little laugh as he pasted the phone to Sam.

The Cold Wind (Jake Kiszka)Where stories live. Discover now