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Eventually, the school day ended and I waited 10 minutes in my car waiting for Ronnie and her friends.

They came and one of the girls lipstick was smudged. I pointed to her lip and she got her phone out and looked. Ronnie and the other girls started laughing.

I pulled out of the parking lot and started our journey home, I let Ronnie have the aux. The girl with the smudged lipstick barley talked and I kept glancing at her through my rear view mirror.

I tapped Ronnie's shoulder and motioned for her to come closer. "Why was that girls lipstick smudged?" I said whispering. "Her an her boyfriend-" She started but I cut her off after I heard the first few words. "That's enough." I said pushing her face away jokingly.

We pulled into the driveway and the girls hurried and got out. I could hear the boy's practicing in the garage. So, I walked into the garage and they stopped playing. "Hey mama." Josh said walking over to give me a hug. "Hey Josh." I said laughing.

Danny tackled me in a hug and knocked us onto the floor but he made sure I wasn't hurt. Sam brought me into a hug and swung me around. "Put me down." I gritted my teeth and he did. Jake just gave me a smile, not a fake one, it was real so I returned it.

I sat on the floor as the girls sat on the couch listening to them practice. One of the girls was staring intensely at me, it kind of made me uncomfortable.

I walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and the girl followed me in there. "Are you and Josh dating?" She asked getting herself a water. "No, what makes you think that?" I asked leaning against the counter. "Yall are really touchy." She scoffed before walking back into the garage. Bitch.

The boys got done practicing and we went outside into the woods and to the river for a couple of hours. I didn't want to get in but Sam pushed me in. "You could have let me strip first!" I shouted. Josh swam over to me and he jumped on my back causing me to go underwater.

I resurfaced gasping for air. "Don't do that!" I shouted as I lifted my hoodie off above my head. My clothes were really starting to weigh me down. I took off my pants after I took off my hoodie and walked up into the dirt some to place them on a tree stump.

I felt someone looking at my ass and I turned around, It was Jake. He smirked at me as I started to get into the water.

    After we got done playing in the water Mama K ordered some pizza, so I decided to take a shower while we waited for pizza.

    There was a knock on the bathroom door. "I'm in here!" I shouted. The door opened. I poked my head out from behind the curtain. "what the hell, Jake?" I said as he closed the door behind him.

    "I want to talk." He said. "I'm showering." I rolled my eyes. "I can still sit here and we can talk." He said sitting down on the floor and leaning against the door.

    I went back to washing my hair. "Do you like Josh?" Jake blurted out. "No." I said rinsing the shampoo out of my hair. "I mean you're friendly with Danny and Sam but mostly Josh." Jake said.

    "Shit." I said as soap got into my eye. "Fucking soap." I muttered. I could hear a light chuckle from him. "I guess I trust Josh a lot." I said turning off the water to the shower.

    "If you're not going to leave can you hand me my towel?" I asked. His arm appeared from the other side of the shower curtain with my towel. "Thanks." I said. I dried off in the shower and wrapped my body in the towel.

    I stepped out of the shower and Jake was still there. He opened the bathroom door and walked and I followed him. I went into his room and locked the door. I don't anyone coming in while I'm changing.

    I put on some sweat pants and a sweatshirt.

    I walked downstairs and checked the time, 7:38. The doorbell rang and I grabbed the money off of kitchen counter and walked to the front door. I opened it and paid the guy as he handed me the pizzas. I thanked him and walked to the kitchen.

    Josh didn't eat and I tried to get him to eat just a simple salad that Karen had made him but he refused so I offered to take him to the store. He wanted some nuts.

    Sam and Danny came to the store along with us. We all were ready for bed after a long week but I needed to make sure Josh ate. I put my phone and keys in my sweatpants pocket and grabbed my wallet from the center console.

    We walked in, Sam, Danny, and Josh were still dressed but I was in simple night clothes. They followed me to the isle that had the almonds, cashews, peanuts, etc. Josh picked out a can of almonds and we went to go check out.

    As we walked out of the store Sam tried to jump on my back. "My gosh." I exclaimed rubbing my back. Sam just laughed and got in the backseat.

    We drove back home and it was 8:24. I ran upstairs and walked up to Josh and Jake's room. I climbed out the window and saw Jake laying on the roof staring up at the sky.

    He picked his head up and looked at me. "Josh wouldn't eat the salad so I took him to the store to get what he wanted." I explained as I sat down next to Jake. "Mh." He hummed.

    I laid back and stared up at the sky, looking at the constellations.

    His hand rubbed against mine, I tensed up at the event. He brought his hand into mine and I couldn't help but put a smile on my face.

    That was when I knew, I knew I liked him. And he knew he liked her.

The Cold Wind (Jake Kiszka)Where stories live. Discover now