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I woke up to the sound of snoring, Josh snore's so loudly, it's one of the things about him that I absolutely can't stand but I will be ok. I lifted my head off of Josh's chest to see it was dark outside.

    "Josh." I said, my voice husky from the nap that I took. "Josh, come on." I whined. "Get up." "No." He said shifting a little. "Don't wake him up." Jake said from his bed.

    I looked over and he was looking over at Josh and I. I shot him a bird then went back to trying to wake Josh up. "Josh, please." I said nuzzling my head into his neck. "Fine." He groaned slowly opening his eyes.

    I sat up and stretched. Josh got off of his bed and walked out of the room leaving Jake and I. "Why do you hate me?" I asked sitting on the edge of Josh's bed.

    "First off, you are so petty, you're always over here, you won't ever shut up." He said rolling his eyes. "Hmm." I hummed getting up from Josh's bed. I walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Come in." Josh said.

    I twisted the doorknob and walked in. He was brushing his teeth. He only had his boxers on and a sheer top. "When did you change into that?" I questioned. "Just a minute ago." He stated spitting into the sink.

    I pulled down my pants and underwear and used the bathroom. "What time is it?" I asked him, he was washing his face with his vegan cleanser, or whatever he said it was. "5." He stated.

    It might be weird that. Was using the bathroom in front of a guy, but I grew up with him, and he trusted me and I trusted him. He was used to it.

    He walked out of the bathroom before I flushed the toilet. I washed my hands and went downstairs. Sam and Josh were in the kitchen. "Sam can I borrow some of your shorts please." I asked looking up at him. "Yea, I guess." He sighed.

    I ran up the stairs and went into his room. I opened his drawer full of short shorts. I grabbed a pair and tugged my pants off and replaced them with the shorts.

    I went into his closet and grabbed a shirt. The shirt said, 'Keep On Truckin'. I took off my shirt and bra and changed into the shirt that I had got from his closet. I picked up my clothes and carried them into Josh's and Jake's room and put them in the dirty clothes.

    "Why are you wearing Sam's clothes?" Jake spoke up. "I asked him." I said annoyed, God why did he have such an attitude.

    I walked back downstairs and Sam handed me a mug of coffee. "Is that my shirt?" He questioned. "Umm, no." I said tapping my chin jokingly. "You're giving that back before you leave." He said scoffing. "I will." I told him giving him a small smile.

    I walked into the living room and laid down on the floor, my coffee sitting on my stomach. I stared up towards the fan that was spinning.

    "When is she going home?" I heard a voice ask, Jake. "Whenever she wants to, you've hated her since we were little what is your problem?" Josh asked. Usually Josh and Jake didn't argue but you'd know when they were about to.

"Esmay is nothing but a slut and a bitch." Jake said. That kinda hurt my feelings. "Ok now, Jake." Sam spoke up, I could feel eyes on me. I sat up clutching my coffee.

I walked to the door and slipped on someone's boots, I didn't care whose they were. I walked out of the front door slamming it shut.

I walked down the side of the road towards town, sipping on my mug of coffee. The morning breeze gave me chills as it brushes against my exposed skin.

"Esmay!" I heard someone shout. I didn't bother them any attention and just kept walking. "Esmay those are my good boots." They said, I looked down at the boots. Chelsea boots, Jake's.

"I'm not a slut and I'm not a bitch." I said stopping momentarily to turn around and yell at him. Cold, salty tears were now streaming down my face.

"How could you say that?" I asked, sadness laced my words. "You could've called me everything else but those two words." I yelled again.

I turned around and continued to walk, the footsteps behind me stopped.

I could tell I was getting close to town because I saw the lights of the town shining. There was running from behind me. I turned back and seen Josh running towards me.

"Come here." He said quietly engulfing me into a hug. I sobbed into his chest. "I'm sorry, he shouldn't have said that." Josh said rubbing my back.

"Why does he hate me?" I asked bringing my face up to look at Josh. "I don't know, the universe is weird." He said giving me a sad look. "It's not the universe, It's him." I said laying my head back onto his chest.

"Can we go home now, It's cold out here." Josh asked running his hands through my hair. "Yea." I said looking up at him again.

He held my face in his hands and wiped away my tears with his thumbs. I gave him a small smile as he wrapped him arm around my shoulder as we walked back.

When we got back, Sam shot up from the couch and came to greet us at the front door. He brought me into a hug. Tears started to well in my eyes but Sam pulled away and put my face in his hands. "He might be older than me but I can beat him up." Sam said giving me a small smile. I laughed at his words.

"There she is." Sam said his smiled widening. I just shook my head, the tears in my eyes had dried.

Sam led me over to the couch and sat me down. "I'm about to make breakfast, what do you want?" Sam asked trying to get a knot out of my hair.

"Cereal, fruity pebbles." I said. He finally got the knot out and went into the kitchen to fix me a bowl of fruity pebbles.

The sun started to rise and I saw Jake come from downstairs and walk out the back door. I watched him though the window as he bent over onto the banister, watching the sunrise.

I finished my cereal and Josh took my bowl from me. I laid my head on the armrest of the couch and closed my eyes.

I heard the front door open and my eyes shot open wanting to know who it was. Danny had walked in. "Hey May." He said coming over to sit next to me. He gave me a bear hug, wrapping me safely in his arms.

He let me go and I laid my head in his lap. He squinted his eyes at me, studying my face. "Have you been crying?" He asked runnin his index finger over my under eyes. I didn't respond I just closed my eyes. "Who was it?" He asked running his hand through my hair. I pointed towards the direction of the back porch.

Danny scoffed and patted my head. "He's my band mate but he can be a prick sometime." Danny said drawing circles on my cheeks. I laughed at his confession. I opened my eyes and Danny had a small smile on his lips.

The boy's really knew how to comfort me in any situation. I'm so lucky to have them.

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