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I guess I had fell asleep in Danny's lap because I was awoken by the light of day coming through the a window. I covered my eye's and groaned as the light shot right into my eyes.

Danny's arm was propped on my ribs. I covered my eyes with one hand and tapped his arm with the other. I tried to sit up but he tightened his grip. "Danny." I said poking his arm. "Let me up."

"Sorry." He groaned as he lifted his arm up for me to escape. Danny laid down on the couch instead of sitting up, his feet handing over the armrest.

    I walked into the kitchen and looked at the clock on the oven. "8:42?" I muttered. Had I slept that long. I opened the cabinet door grabbing a glass.

I walked over to the fridge and put the glass under the spout, my glass filled up and I started chugging the water. I absolutely hated cottonmouth.

The front door opened and a fit of giggles came through it, some I recognized, some I didn't. They had entered the kitchen, Josh, Sam, and two girls.

"You're awake!" Josh said stunned as he brought me into a hug. He pulled away and held my face in his hands and rubbed my cheeks. I gave him a small smile before he turned back to the girls and Sam.

"Esmay, this is Rylee and Hannah." Josh said introducing the girls. "Hi, I'm Esmay." I said introducing myself. The Rylee girl gave a smile but I could tell it was fake. "Hannah?" I asked pointing at her to make sure.

She nodded her head. I looked between her and Sam. "Treat him right." I said pointing at her. She gave a small laugh and said, "I will." She then gave me a reassuring nod.

I have Josh a small side hug before walking past Rylee, bumping her shoulder. I heard her scoff but I choose to ignore it.

I walked back over to Danny and stood over him. "I want to lay back down Danny." I said. He opened his eyes slowly and opened his arms. I laid down and he wrapped his arms around me.

I always loved to cuddle and the boys knew it, it's good they liked to cuddle to0. I ran my finger along Danny's wrist, but I stopped when I heard soft snores escaping his lips.

"Can yall sit in the living room, just for a second we are going to get some stuff?" I heard Josh ask. I glanced at them as I watched them go upstairs. The girls came into the living room standing awkwardly. "Yall can sit down, don't feel uncomfortable." I assured them. "Thank you." Hannah said.

"Are yall dating?" Rylee asked referring to Danny and I. "Oh, no." I said quietly. "We are just friends." Rylee nodded her head knowingly.

The girls were both sitting in a chair beside each other. "Sam has told me a lot about you." Hannah spoke up. "Oh really." I said with a slight chuckle.

"Go to sleep." Danny said quite loudly. "We have company." I said quietly. "I don't care." He said as he shifted behind me.

I shook my head at the girls as a smile was twitching at their lips.

Josh and Sam came downstairs. "Danny, we have company." Sam said standing over us. Danny groaned and opened one of his eyes. "Who?" He asked.

"Rylee and Hannah." Sam said. Danny groaned taking of one his hands away from my stomach to rub his eyes. "Do you want to get up?" Danny asked looking at me. I shrugged my shoulder not really wanting to be rude.

"Just get up." I heard Jake's voice echo the house. Danny sat up quickly bringing me up with him. Sam, Josh, Danny and the girls looked to the front door, I looked away, looking at the fire place.

I didn't want to look at him or hear him. Danny grabbed onto my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "I thought you were going to a party." Josh said. "I was at one, then I met her." He said, was there a girl with him. I didn't want to look.

"Just go upstairs with her." Josh said, I felt eyes on me; I couldn't figure out whose they were. "Is it because she's here?" He said, I felt a whole lot of eyes on me. I looked over at the girls and they were looking at me; he was talking about me.

"I- I'll go on home." I said about to get up. "Let me go home with you." Danny said, knowing my living situation. My mom died when I was young and my dad was an alcoholic.

I tied my shoes and stood up, Jake coming into view. He had a smug, annoyed look on his face. Danny grabbed my hand and led me out of the front door. I guess he grabbed my phone and keys because he opened the passenger side door for me. Once I sat down he handed me my phone.

The front door slammed causing Danny and I to bring or attention to it, Josh and Sam had came out. They started to advance over to us. "Es, you don't have to go, we can all go out somewhere without him." Josh said giving me a sad look.

"No, it's okay." I said, the boys never wanted me to go home because they knew what my dad was like. "I've got Dan The Man with me." I said playfully punching Danny in the arm. "Okay, please text us if anything is wrong." Sam said closing my door.

I rolled down my window and let my arm hang out as Danny got into the driver side. Josh grabbed my hand and kissed it lightly giving me a small, sad smile before letting go.

Danny and I made our way to my house. I was absolutely terrified to go in, but I had to. Danny walked in with me, I held onto his arm tightly as we walked to the stairs.

"Hey..." My dad called out slurring. Danny and I turned around and walked slowly into the living room. "Who is this?" My dad asked pointing his beer glass towards Danny. "M- My friend, Danny, you've met him before." I said.

"Don't give me lip, girl." He said raising his voice. Danny held onto my hand tighter and led me upstairs, away from my dad. We walked into my room, he locked the door behind us.

I sat down on my bed sighing. I untied my converse and threw them across my room. "Can you stay here with me?" I asked Danny as he sat at my desk. "Yes, of course." He said standing up and making his way over to me.

He sat down on my bed as I got up. I went over to my dresser and changed all of my clothes. I forgot I was wearing Sam's clothes, I will give it back to him tomorrow at school.

I picked out a shirt and slipped it over my bare chest, and picked out some athletic shorts and slid them on.

I went over to my bed and Danny was already laying down. His pants and shirt on the floor. I slid under the covers with me. He wrapped his arms around me, I was safe with him as my protector; there, I fell asleep in his arms.

The Cold Wind (Jake Kiszka)Where stories live. Discover now