⚫️ - Chapter 5: Suspicious

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? Pov ;

It felt as though I was getting infinitely farther away from the world. To rein in my mind which felt as though it would drift away, I forced my eyes open and focused my gaze straight ahead.

A boy was sitting in the seat opposite mine on the train. 

He looked a little over 10 years old. 

The boy who held an insect collecting net in one hand was smiling brightly as he sat next to his mother.

I shifted my gaze to the side of the train, therefore, I saw another boy, he also looked young... He was probably over 18 years old.

He looks like he was a foreigner, it was obvious since he doesn't have the features of an Asian, such great Magnificent handsomeness and beauty I see in my eyes.

He looks as if he came from a novel, he doesn't even look like a real person. It would be much acceptable to say that he had come in a novel that has greatly depicted features.

Even so, if anyone said he was not real, I could believe it without any thought but this guy was real.

Perhaps he could even rival Yoo Joonghyuk by comparing who was much more handsome and prettiest?, ah, what am I thinking?

If he could rival Yoo Joonghyuk, Yoo Joonghyuk has to crawl out of my phone and become a reality, and stand next to this guy so that I could rate their handsomeness.

But then, all of the sudden, he looked at me.

Those dark delicate coal-anthracite eyes made me feel as though I were in the bottomless space of the ocean, drowning in the depth of his cold stare. ( I would sell my soul for cale to look at me even by just that stare 🥹 )

I looked away and started fidgeting with my phone, it felt embarrassing to look at someone for too long, all I can do was hope that he didn't think I was creepy.

( I had been itching my hands stopping myself from describing my beautiful and handsome Cale's beauty throughout this story and I had been given a chance by a miracle. Muahahaha! )

( aigoo, sometimes there are quite a lot of scenes I cannot avoid copying 🤧 )

–The work doesn't exist.

I tried typing 'ruined' several times in the search box, but the result was the same. The bulletin board for 'Ways of Survival' had disappeared without a trace. It was strange. Had there ever been a case of a novel being deleted without notification when it was going to be monetized?

At that moment, the subway lights turned off, and the inside of the train became dark.

Kiiiiiiiik-! The subway train shook loudly and let out a metallic sound. It caused Yoo Sangah to scream and grab my arm. Then I heard the sound of other people getting stirred up. Yoo Sangah gripped my arm so tightly that I paid more attention to the pain in my left arm than the sudden stop. It took a dozen seconds for the train to stop fully.

Then I heard confused voices coming from everywhere.

"Uh, what?"

"W-What is this?"

In the dark, one or two smartphone lights turned on. Yoo Sangah still held my left arm tightly as she asked, "W-What is going on?"

I pretended to be unconcerned. "Don't worry. It isn't a big deal."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, it is probably a disturbance from a suicide. The engineer will soon make an announcement."

As I finished speaking, I heard the engineer's announcement, -Telling all passengers on the train. Telling all passengers on the train.

The loud surroundings became calm. I sighed and opened my mouth, "See, it isn't a big deal. Now an apology will air, and the power will come back on…"

–E-Everyone run away… Run…!


End of ? 's pov

third pov (cale) :
( mami 🛐 )

As Cale was peacefully sitting, a sudden chaos occurred, It was at that moment, a loud metallic train had loudly made a sound, and the lights in the subway had also suddenly turned off.

What is happening from the outside? Cale thought as he attempted to check through the window. The outside looked certainly a bit weird.

Weird, everything was weird.

- Human, I sensed an extremely odd creature, but I cannot detect where it was.

Raon spoke in his head.

Cale poked Raon's gales as a sign for him to get off of his lap, after he felt his lap become a bit lighter, he slowly stood up.

"Tsk" cale unintentionally clicked his tongue as he observed his surrounding.

–E-Everyone run away… Run…!

'Ugh, that bastard God of Death.'
Cale cursed the God of Death as he consciously took a step backward.

- Don't worry human! I, the mighty dragon will protect you!

Right, he has a Dragon beside him, what was he was so aware of?

At that moment, an unexpected blue screen appeared before him, he felt as if he were in a video game.

[The free service of planetary system 8612 has been terminated.]

[The main scenario has started.]

"...That damn god of death."
Cale's voice was frigid, His delicate dark obsidian eyes took an icy glare through the screen.


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