⚫ - Chapter 7: Chaos, I Supposed.

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Author's note:

(Hello guys! Your idiot author is having a simple announcement.)

I decided to continue my other novel which was named "the red dragon" "Crimson Dragon" or whatever.

But the chapter release is not yet scheduled since I haven't even made a new chapter in it since my ideas when I first made that novel completely disappeared.

I also thought of having a mass release of chapters in that novel but then I thought, 'Where tf would I get those extreme ideas from?!' So I discarded that thought. But anyway, since many of you had voted in it, and probably many of you are waiting for an update,

And I, uh, felt bad so,

I proudly announce... that the hiatus novel will now be... ongoing! I repeat, ongoing! Hahahaha!

And recently I just got my wifi back after three years, hooray for me please~ 🥳🎉

(Anyway here's your chapter, hope ya enjoy it ~ )


Third pov: (Cale)

People reacted differently after the dokkaebi disappeared. Some people tried to get out of the train while others called the police.

"Come on, everybody! Everybody calm down. Start breathing calmly." Someone stepped forward exactly five minutes after the dokkaebi disappeared. He was a sturdy man with short cut hair, one head taller than the average height.

"Are you calm yet? Please stop your actions and pay attention to me for a moment."

The people sobbing or making calls stopped. Once everyone's eyes were gathered on him, the big man opened his mouth again, "As you know, in the event of a national disaster, small disturbances can cause large human casualties. That's why I will now control the situation."

Cale ignored them and calmly sat at the seat, he then blankly looked at the tank fish in his hand.

The fish seemed to sense his intention and it started to swim in the corner of the tank as if wishing that Cale will change his mind if it act pitiful towards him.

- Weak human.

Cale did not answer, instead, he asked a question.

"Raon did you also see the screen?"

- Yes human, it seems that it wants us to kill living things.

Cale nodded his head.

- Human, I the mighty Raon do not have a choice but to kill one of these useless humans because you only have one fish on you! And human, you must kill that fish to survive! Do not waste your strength on these dumb and useless humans!

Cale nodded his head again.

His stoic gaze seemed to be terrifying to the fish's pov. It tried to jump out of the tank but after the attempt, Cale easily catches the fish.

"You happened to have a smart sense." his calm yet cold voice echoed in the fish's mind.

"Well, it's unfortunate that I was not able to examine you thoroughly." his voice was very cold, it was like looking at a very big creature above you. The fish felt extremely small despite already being small.

Cale was a little hesitant, he doesn't know whether the power that the fish held will transfer to him or scatter somewhere on this earth. But, it appeared that he doesn't have a choice.


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