🔴 - Chapter 6: Main Scenario?

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- Human, A strange fluff ball had appeared flying on top of the people. It's very strong but not as strong as me!


- Human, it speaks a strange language I cannot translate using my magic! Strange, truly strange.

'That God damn...'

"It sounds vaguely like Spanish. Should I talk to it?"

Cale could not help but look at the woman.


"...Do you know what that is? Will you ask it for money?"

Cale took off his attention to them before he could hear more of their conversation, he doesn't want to head butt in other people's business.

It was at that moment, they heard a correct pronunciation of Korean.

[Ah. Ah. Does this sound good? Ah, I had a hard time because the Korean patch didn't work. Everyone, can you hear my words?]

'Fucking God of Death, that damn bastard lying piece of shit!' Cale cursed the god of death's whole generation as he was looking at the so-called cotton ball that was levitating in the air.

The first one to step up was a big man in a suit. "Hey, what are you doing right now?"


"Are you filming? I have to go because I have to quickly get to an audition." He seemed to be an obscure actor judging by the way he spoke out his words, how unfortunate.

[Ah, auditions. That's right. This is also an audition. Haha, there was a shortage of data. I just entered when it was monetized at 7 p.m.]

"What? What are you talking about?"

[Now, now. All of you, relax in your seats and listen to me. From now on, I will tell you something very important!]

What? Quickly get off the train!"

"Somebody call the captain!"

"What are they doing without the cooperation of the citizens?"

"Mother, what is that? A cartoon?"

"Yoo Sangah-ssi, it is dangerous, so stay here."


[Haha, you are really loud.]

There was a presence with a stronger persuasive power than anyone else right now.

[I told you to be quiet.]

Cale was not yet done cursing the god of death's whole generation.

At that moment, The living cotton ball's eyes turned red. Something burst, and the subway became silent.

"Uh, uh. Uh..." There was a big hole in the forehead of the unknown actor who had to go to the audition. The man who had spoken several times collapsed on the spot.

'That was beyond my expectation.' Cale thought that the cotton ball would instead, cut off that man's head rather than exploding his head. (both were worst cale...)

[This isn't a movie shoot.]

There was a cracking sound once again. This time, it was the person talking about the captain.

[It isn't a dream. It isn't a novel either.]

One, two... Blood sprayed into the air as the heads of some people started to burst. They were all the people who had protested against the dokkaebi, as well as the ones who screamed or went wild. Those who caused the slightest fuss had a hole in their heads. Suddenly, the subway became a bloodbath.

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