⚫️ - chapter 10.1: Mystery

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I have been having a little insomnia recently oh God.
Why do I always have a strong motivation at night? ( ߹ - ߹ )

I feel a little bad for cutting the chapters too much instead of continuing it. ( ߹ᯅ߹)

Anyway, should I make longer chapters in the future? What do you guys think?
( ˶  ̄▽ ̄˶)

(Note: Due to my lacking ideas, little motivations, and school works, longer chapters will take more months to finish while normal chapters only takes about a month to finish.)

Do you guys have a little patience for it?
(੭ ᐕ)?

I would like to upload my last chapter for today, but do not worry I will soon come back and upload a chapter again. Thank you all so much for the votes and support! I really appreciate it!  ☆ ~('▽^人)

(Unrelated note: I will be uploading after my periodical exam which starts on Jan 15 and ends on Jan 16, More stress for me~
( ꐦ ´ཫ' )⁾⁾ 吐出鲜血*)

Thank you so much for reading. I'll leave this chapter here and come back again after my exam, see you soon! (* ˊᵕˋ )ノ゙
(Third pov, Kim Dokja)

"Can I come too?"

This teenager... I think he was the same gorgeous person that met my gaze earlier. He also has a slightly similar appearance with Cale, why haven't I noticed it earlier?

Kim Dokja nodded as he replied, "Of course."

The teenager also nodded in satisfaction.

It was then, Han Myungoh broke the silence and furiously shouted.

"Shit, you all go by yourselves! I'm not going! I'm not going outside!"

Kim Dokja didn't care about Han Myungoh. Instead, he paid attention to the teenager in front of him that clearly has the described appearance of the most special character from twsa, and he had to make sure to get atleast a small information about this person, he also had to make sure that this character will stay with him.

(A/n: it's been a long time since I stopped reading, so please correct me if I'm wrong here.)

The only problem was that he didn't know his name, but he considered his identity as Cale; the only different from this teenager is that he has a black hair and not red hair.

(Note: Kim Dokja thinks that Cale was in disguise since having red hair is very unnatural.)

(Note 2: i know i have explained this already but i'll remind it again, since Cale's body did not yet absorb his power completely, his hair was still in its darkest shade of Red that's why it looks like black. If the sunlight hit his hair, the red color will show itself.)

But Kim Dokja didn't mind that. His only thoughts are about the informations about Cale, and the difference between both of them.

It was pretty easy to memorize this character's description.

A signiture color of a known man, a shoulder length silky, soft, fragrant red hair that symbolizes the hue of blood in a forest, and a rose petal in the rain. His skin is immaculate, his complexion is pale white, his eyes are cold and unreadable and have a reddish brown tint, his body appears feeble but his abilities are strong, and most significantly, he has a cold demeanor.
His eyes are sharp as a blade, and his intelligence is known to surpass that of everyone else.
He is not to be trusted, as he is not someone who will help anyone if there is no gain.
This person is none other than the mysterious Reaper, or better known as Cale Themes.

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