The Sorting

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As we stepped off the train, we noticed an absolutely massive man herding the younger students together. He spoke with a thick accent, not unintelligible by any means, but certainly rather distinctive.

"Firs' years! Firs' years over here!"

(I'm not going to bother doing Hagrid's accent in the text all too much. You all know what it sounds like, there's not much need. I'll do it here and there when I feel like it though!)

Harry smiled brightly when he saw him, running up to him.


The man beamed down at him. "Harry me boy! And who ar' these four?"

I smiled and walked up to him. "Y/N L/N! Good to meet you Hagrid! Are you a professor here?"

The man laughed. "Not quite! Just the gameskeeper!"

Ron, Marie, and Hermione all introduced themselves, as Hagrid led us off towards the shore of a lake.

"Alright everyone! Into the boats!"

Me, Hermione, Marie, and Neville all got in one boat, and we soon set off. As we rounded a corner, Hogwarts came into view for the first time. It was stunning. The castle sat atop a large outcropping, illuminated by the brightly shining moonlight. Fires blazed warmly in countless windows, and overall it just absolutely blew me away.

I turned excitedly to Marie and Hermione. "Am I going crazy or is it really that beautiful?"

Hermione laughed. "No, I think you're right on with that."

Marie simply smiled and squeed a bit.

As we approached the castle we entered into a tunnel, eventually ending up in a docking area. As we got out, Hagrid called out.

"Oi! Is this someone's toad?"

Neville's eyes went wide. "Trevor!"

While Neville collected Trevor, me, Hermione, and Marie grouped back up with Ron and Harry, following a long line of students as we made our way to a large set of double doors. As we entered the room, I heard a familiar voice behind me, and turned to see Malfoy sneering at us.

"I heard rumors that Harry Potter was here. I see they were correct."

Harry glared at him. "What do you want now Malfoy?"

"Just to talk, and to warn you. You really should pick a better group of friends. I can teach you who you ought to associate yourself with. Make sure you don't get with the wrong sort of people." He stuck his hand out, expecting Harry to shake his hand, I suppose.

Harry just glared at him harder. "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself."

I broke out into laughter at that.

"What's so funny, L/N?"

I smiled. "Nothing, Molly. Nothing at all."

His face began to redden, but his eyes went wide as I heard the doors open, and he took a small step back. "You will regret that one, L/N."

I turned, a bit curious as to what had cowed Malfoy. Standing in front of the doors was a rather intimidating looking woman. Hagrid gave her a quick bow.

"The firs' years, Professor McGonagall."

"Thank you Hagrid, that will be all."

As Hagrid walked off, Professor McGonagall addressed us. "Welcome to Hogwarts my dears. Now, you will soon be sorted into houses. The sorting is a very important ceremony, as it will very much define your time here. Each house has it's own grand, glorious history, full of legendary students and even more legendary moments. No matter where you end up, you will find your place, I assure you. One of our most important traditions here is the House Cup. Put simply, excellence will gain points for your house, while any rule breaking will lose points for your house, so you must always be aiming for your best! Now, make sure you are all presentable!" She said this last part with a particular eye for Harry and Ron, who seemed a bit disheveled. "Wouldn't want to make a bad first impression, would you?"

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