Puddles and Prophecies

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I woke up early Saturday morning and went down to the common room, where I was greeted by the angry complaints of Marie.

"Can you believe them Y/N? Can you believe what the two of them did last night? I'd have thought Hermione was smarter than that!"

I frowned. "Wait what? What happened to her and Harry last night?"

"They bloody went and got themselves caught by Filch!"

My face went pale. "Please tell me it was after they got rid of Norbert."

Marie nodded. "Yeah, but they managed to somehow leave Harry's cloak on the top of the tower!"

I groaned. "You have got to be kidding me. What happened to them?"

"McGonagall took 50 points from each of them and gave them detention tonight with Filch. We're down 150 points, Y/N! We'll never win the House Cup now!"

"Wait, 150? Did Ron get out and go with them? He wasn't in his bed this morning so I assumed he was still in the infirmary."

"No, Neville got caught with them, as well as Malfoy. Apparently Malfoy told Filch what they were doing and Neville overheard and went to warn Harry and Hermione."

As if on cue, both Harry and Hermione walked out as Marie mentioned them. I glared at Harry.


Harry's face went pale. "She told you already, didn't she?"

I collected myself for a second. The rest of Gryffindor would already be absolutely incensed once they found out about the points they'd lost. I didn't need to make it worse for them.

"Just don't make a mistake that stupid again. Honestly, leaving your cloak on top of the tower? Really?" I paused for a moment. "At least I'll have company tonight. I dread to think what Filch has in store for us..."

Harry gave me a tepid smile. "If it makes it any less horrid, someone left the cloak in my wardrobe this morning."

"Actually it does make it a bit better. Would hate to lose that thing, it's been rather useful."

The day went much as normal. As I'd expected, Harry, Neville, and Hermione were getting the silent treatment from Gryffindor, and much the opposite from Slytherin, who thanks to them had pulled into first. Every time we passed a Slytherin student in the halls they'd give Harry a sarcastic grin or something, both poking fun at him for getting caught and somewhat ingenuinely thanking him for helping their house pull ahead. At least Malfoy had gotten the same punishment as they had, I could take some solace in that. Then I remembered that would mean I had to spend detention with him. That dampened my excitement a bit.

As 6pm rolled around, me, Harry, Hermione, and Neville got ready to go meet up with Filch. As I was leaving Marie pulled me into a hug.

"Be safe Y/N."

I raised an eyebrow. "It's just detention Marie, it'll hardly be life threatening."

She sighed. "I know. I just have a bad feeling for some reason."

I smiled and gave her a quick kiss. "I'll be fine, Marie. Promise!"

She smiled and waved me off, blushing slightly at Harry's snickering.

I gave him a joking glare. "Oh quit it, or I'll be ten times worse when you finally find someone."

Eventually, we met up with Malfoy and Filch, who informed us that Hagrid was to run our detention instead, much to the relief of the four of us. Filch gave us an evil smirk when he saw the relief on our faces, though, saying something about how if he was us he'd rather spend time with out thumbs chained to the wall than doing what Hagrid had in store. I couldn't imagine that Hagrid would have us doing anything worse than what sounded like literal torture, though, so I wasn't too concerned. That was until we met up with Hagrid, who was carrying a rather large crossbow and had his dog Fang with him.

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