A Strange Birthday

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I woke up early on November 15th. Today was Marie's birthday, and I wanted to make sure I got everything right. I rushed down to the common room and set up the cake I had asked the house elves down in the kitchen to make the other night. My mom had told me they'd basically make anything you wanted within reason, so I decided to see if they'd be willing to make a birthday cake, which they were. I did try to pay them for it, but they got upset when I offered them the payment, so I reluctantly relented on that. I did "accidentally" drop a couple galleons on the floor as I left, though, which they hadn't returned to me when they delivered the cake, so I hoped they had put them to good use. Once I had everything set up, I ran back to my room to wake up Ron and Harry, and dragged them back down to the common room. Soon enough, the door to the girls dorm creaked open, and Hermione pulled Marie out, still half asleep. I frowned a bit.

"I told you to let her rest if she didn't wake up on her own!"

Hermione laughed. "I did, she's just being difficult!"

Marie grinned at me when she noticed what I had done. "You set all this up for me?"

I pulled her into a tight hug. "Of course! Couldn't let you show me up with what you got me for my birthday, now could I? Come on now, we all got you presents!"

Marie rushed over to open her presents. Harry and Ron had gotten her candy, which seemed their go to for some reason, and Hermione had gotten her a book on advanced potions, but which she was extremely happy about. Finally, the time for my present came.

I took out a box similar to the one she had given me on my birthday. I took a deep breath. "Alright, so this wasn't quite my first choice, but that would have taken too long, so it'll have to wait for Christmas. I... you know what, just open it, that's probably easier."

Marie smiled and took the box, quickly opening it and taking out a necklace similar to the one she had given me for my birthday.

"So you remember those couple days I wasn't wearing my necklace and I said I had forgotten it in my room? Well I kind of lied. I really liked it and decided to get a jeweler to make a copy of it for you so we could have matching ones! I didn't think that was creative enough, though, so I had both enchanted. If you squeeze on it, the other one will vibrate slightly, sort of a signal to the other person I guess. Just thought it would be kind of neat and a good way to signal to each other if we ever need to for some reason."

Marie stood there for a second before tackling me into a hug.

"I love it! Thank you so much, Y/N! You're the best friend ever!"

I smiled wider than I had since the morning after we fell asleep on the sofa together.

"No, you're the best Marie! I'm so glad you like it, I was a bit nervous that you wouldn't."

Marie laughed. "I'd like anything you got me, Y/N! It being from you is special enough!"

I blushed deeply at that. "Th...thanks!"

Ron cleared his throat. "When you two are done I think someone would like to speak to you."

I turned to him, confused. Standing next to him, over near the entrance to the common room, was about the last person I expected to see today, much less where he was. Professor Dumbledore.

My eyes went wide and me and Marie quickly stood up.

"Professor! I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here!"

He smiled lightly at us. "Oh do not worry, I was rather hoping you didn't notice. Would hate to interrupt a moment like that! A friendship like that between you and Miss Yinsby is a very special thing!"

I blushed slightly before quickly clearing my throat. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you here? I've never seen you in here before."

He chuckled a bit. "I do not usually come here, but I was hoping to speak with you. Miss Yinsby can join us if she wishes!"

I turned to Marie. "You want to come with? If you want to stay here and eat more of the cake I won't blame you!"

Marie, however, smiled and nodded. "I have always wondered what his office looks like! I'd love to come, if you don't mind!"

I smiled back and we followed Dumbledore through a series of halls up towards the top of the castle. After he spoke the password to the gargoyle, we made our way up to his office. Fawkes greeted me with a strange expression, as if he was evaluating something about me, but I brushed it off. Marie was in awe at all the decor, but soon enough we found ourselves sitting in two seats across from Dumbledore.

He gave us yet another bright smile. "Well, Mr. L/N, it seems I underestimated you slightly. In more ways than one."

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry sir?"

He laughed a bit. "No, it isn't bad! I'm just rather impressed is all! We haven't had a student so gifted with advanced magic at your age since..." his face went sad for a moment before he shook his head. "No matter, what I have brought you here about is something that Hagrid brought up."

I gulped slightly.

"Have no fear, you are not in trouble! In fact, I am not even going to warn you off investigating you and your friends' suspicions. I know full well that even I do not have the power to stop you, an inquisitive young mind is beyond even my abilities to impede. All I wish to say is two things. First, nothing I say here can leave this room. I invited Miss Yinsby because I know you would tell her regardless, am I correct?"

I looked down, a bit embarrassed. "Yes Professor, I probably would have."

He smiled. "That is nothing to be ashamed of, young man! Now, on to the second matter. I do not know where this investigation will take you, but I must urge you to take care. Do not be overly confident in your own abilities. That has been the downfall of many a wizard, and I do not wish to see you suffer that unfortunate fate."

I turned to Marie, who seemed similarly concerned. She spoke a bit shakily. "Do you expect us to run into danger?"

Dumbledore smiled reassuringly. "No, but one can never be too careful! As an old friend of mine would put it, constant vigilance! Do either of you have any questions for me?"

I shook my head. "No sir! Thank you!"

He smiled and waved us off. "Now go enjoy Miss Yinsby's birthday! Oh, and have a sherbet lemon!"

He tossed each of us a small yellow candy as we left. It was quite good. As we walked back to the common room, neither me nor Marie could make much sense of what Dumbledore had said. Ultimately, we just decided to take it as a reminder of the importance of being careful. Hogwarts was no normal school after all, one never quite knew for sure what was lurking around the corner!

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