Huts and Homework

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After the match, Me, Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Marie all headed down to Hagrid's hut. Harry wanted to relax somewhat after the game rather than celebrate in the common room with everyone else, especially with what happened with Snape. Hagrid, however, would hear none of our theory as to what happened.

"Snape would never! He's a teacher here, he wouldn't hurt Harry!"

Hermione frowned. "Hagrid, I know a jinx when I see one. I've read all about them! You have to keep eye contact. He was messing with Harry's broom. How else do you explain the broom going back to normal after I interrupted him?"

Ron nodded. "She's got a point."

I never thought I'd see the day where Ron and Hermione agreed on something. I nodded.

"Yeah, it stopped as soon as she set his robes on fire. That's pretty clear evidence to me, Hagrid. We already know he doesn't much like Harry, I wouldn't put it past him to pull something like that."

Hagrid frowned. "Whatever makes you think that? He may not like Harry, but Dumbledore trusts him! Surely that means something to you?"

Me and my friends shared a quick glance, and nodded at each other. Harry took the lead.

"We found something out about Snape. Back on Halloween, he tried to get past that three headed dog. He's trying to steal whatever it's guarding."

Hagrid's eyes went wide. "How do you know about Fluffy?"

"Fluffy? That's what you call that beast?" Said Ron, incredulously.

Hagrid huffed. "I'll have you know he's rather nice when he's off duty! Just a very good guard dog!"

Marie grabbed Hagrid's hand. "What is it he's guarding anyways? What is Snape trying to steal?"

Hagrid huffed. "None of your business!"

Harry gave him a pleading look. "Please! If we know what Snape is trying to steal, maybe we can help stop him!"

"What Fluffy is guarding is top secret! That knowledge is for Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel alone, and anyone they decide to tell!"

My eyes gleamed. "Ha! So some Flamel guy is involved!"

Hagrid's eyes went wide. "I shouldn't have said that. I should not have said that."

I racked my brain, trying to think of who Nicolas Flamel was, but came up empty. I could tell by my friends faces that they had no idea either.

Marie gave Hagrid her best puppy eyes. She scared me a bit with how good she was at that. "Please, tell us! We can help!"

Hagrid shook his head and began shoving us out the door. "I've already said too much! Run along now!"

Before we knew it, we were back outside, Hagrid's door shut tight. I let out a groan.

"Oh come on! Just tell us who he is! We'll find out either way!"

No response. We waited around a bit, but it became clear rather quickly that Hagrid wasn't going to talk any more. That night, as I was hanging out in the common room, Marie came up to me with a parchment and quill in hand.

"Y/N! I had something to ask you!"

I spun around, smiling at her brightly. "Yes?"

She took a deep breath. "Would you be willing to help me with my charms work? I'm having a bit of trouble with this paper. I'd normally ask Hermione for something like this, but you're probably the most advanced out of any of us in that class, so I thought you were worth asking first."

I smiled "Of course, I'd be happy to help! I just finished that paper the other night, the one and a half feet on the development of the levitation charm, right?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I'm having a bit of trouble explaining the early usage of it, just can't quite wrap my head around what I want to say."

We spent the next hour or so working on her paper. I actually quite enjoyed it. After all that craziness earlier in the day, it was nice to just sit down and work on a paper with Marie. It wasn't easy, mind you, I had to think of a completely different perspective to take on the question at hand since I didn't want Flitwick figuring out that I had helped her write it, but, well, it was nice spending time with her. As the night came to an end, Marie was half asleep sitting on the sofa next to me. I turned to her after reading over her paper one last time, and found her head resting on my shoulder. She had fallen fully asleep. I was about to wake her when I suddenly realized something.

This... this is nice. She looks so happy and peaceful like that. I don't really want to wake her.

I decided to just let her rest there for a bit. I knew I'd have to wake her eventually, we could hardly just sleep there on the sofa, but a couple more minutes couldn't hurt, right? I reached over to my other side to grab the advanced charms book Hermione had gotten me for my birthday. I had finally decided to read through it and thought that since I already had charms on the mind now was as good a time as any. I began reading the chapter on the disillusionment charm, which seemed rather useful, albeit far too advanced for me, and I slowly began to nod off. Before I realized what was happening, I fell asleep.

I awoke early the next morning, just as the sun was rising and before anyone else came down into the common room. As I opened my eyes, I realized that my head was resting atop Marie's head, which was still resting on my right shoulder. She was still asleep, and had a content smile on her face, like she was having a nice dream.

Oh dear. My back is going to be killing me today...

My concerns about my spine, however, dissipated quickly when I took another look at Marie. I couldn't help but smile at the expression on her face. She just seemed... right, somehow. Twenty minutes or so passed before I finally decided I ought to wake her up. I gave her right shoulder a light shake with my hand, and slowly she woke up.

"Y/N? What... what happened?"

I smiled. "You fell asleep last night while we were working. I meant to wake you up eventually, but I guess I fell asleep as well. Sorry about that."

She smiled back. "No, no, don't be sorry! I don't mind, honest!"

She was blushing deeply as she said this, and speaking rather quickly, as if she wasn't quite sure what to say.

"Thanks Marie. My back probably won't be as forgiving of my mistake, but so long as you're fine with it, I think I can take it! You want to head down to eat soon? I need to go get changed first, you probably ought to as well, I think you've still got some sauce on your robes from last night's dinner.

Marie giggled lightly and stood up. "Sounds good to me! Meet you down here in like half an hour?"

I nodded. "Sure!"

With that, we headed back to our rooms. As I walked back, I realized something. I felt weird. It was as if my whole body was slightly warm, and I had what I imagined to be a rather goofy looking smile on my face.

Thats strange...

I thought a bit more about it before I shrugged and brushed it off. I was probably just feeling weird since I had fallen asleep sitting up.

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