End of Year and Revelations

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We got our grades back a couple days after the feast. As expected, Hermione and I were at the top of our year, with Marie not far behind. Hermione had managed to beat me out in Transfiguration and Potions, but I had taken all the other classes. She was still above me, unfortunately, as she had somehow managed to get 125% on her Transfiguration exam, which made up for the gap in the others. I could hardly complain too much, though. The only class I hadn't gotten at least 100% in was Potions, where I had gotten 99%. I was pretty sure Snape was just one of those teachers who really didn't like giving out perfect scores. Hermione had gotten one, somehow, but knowing her she had genuinely just done perfectly on it and probably deserved 115% or something. Regardless, I was very pleased with my results, and still had a bright smile on my face from it when the Hogwarts Express arrived back in London. As we stepped off, Marie ran off into her parents arms.

"Mum! Dad! I missed you!"

They wrapped her in a tight hug and talked for a moment before Henry whispered something to her and approached me.

"So. I hear you had an... interesting encounter at the end of the year."

I blushed slightly. "Did word really leak out that much? I thought Dumbledore would have kept it a bit more under wraps..."

He chuckled. "Oh he has. But since my daughter was involved he thought it best to tell me. It was truly him, then?"

I nodded. "Seemed like it, at least. I reckon he's gone for good now, though. I doubt even he could survive... whatever that turning to dust thing was."

Henry pursed his lips. "Don't underestimate him, Y/N. Many of my colleagues made that same mistake during the war. Be on guard. Is... is what Marie said about him cursing you true?"

I nodded again. "Yeah. It wasn't particularly fun, to say the least, but I think I'm past it. For the most part."

He smiled lightly. "You truly are your mother's son."

I frowned. "Dumbledore said the same thing. What do you mean by that exactly?"

Henry sighed. "You mean you don't know? I..."

"It is time to tell him, Henry. He has the right to know."

I looked up. "Mom!"

She gave me a bright smile. "I missed you, Y/N. We can catch up later though, I imagine you want some answers. After the war ended, me and two of my friends got captured by Death Eaters looking for revenge. Their leader, Bellatrix Lestrange, had been one of my main targets during the war. They... they tortured us. Horribly. I was the only one to come out with my mind intact. The other two have been in St. Mungo's ever since. I honestly don't know how I came out as I did. I imagine that is what Henry and Professor Dumbledore are referring to."

I wrapped her in a hug. "Oh mom... why didn't you..."

"Tell you before? You were too young. You shouldn't have to hear such things at your age. After... after what happened to you and your sister, I almost did tell you. But I had hoped it had been a one off incident, and you could perhaps move forward with your innocence intact. But now... now I see I was wrong. You deserve to know the truth of what happened during the war. I owe you that much after what you've been through on account of it. And in time, I will tell you. I'm sorry, Y/N, for hiding all this."

I sat there for a moment, Marie wrapping my left arm in a tight hug. My mom had a point. I'd been a bit upset about all the secrets, but I'd have probably done the same thing in her position.

"It's ok mom. I... I understand. Just promise me you'll tell me everything when the time is right."

She smiled. "I will, Y/N. I promise."

"Mrs. L/N?"

My mom turned around. "Oh! Mrs. Weasley! How have you been?"

"I've been well! We have to get going soon, but I was hoping that Y/N, and Marie as well of course, would be able to join us near the end of the summer at our house? Just for a couple weeks before they head back to Hogwarts?"

My mom looked down at me and I nodded happily.

"Of course he can!"

Henry nodded as well. "Marie can come as well! It will be nice for them!"

Marie suddenly pulled me off to the side. "It's going to be hard not being with you this summer."

I nodded. "I know, dear. Would... would you be interested in spending a week or two in America before we head off to the Weasleys? I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind!"

Her face suddenly brightened up. "I'll ask! You're the best, Y/N!"

I blushed as she ran off to talk to her parents. I think it was at that moment that I realized how important she had become to me. Hearing her say that had given me this indescribably joyous feeling in my chest. It was as if everything else in the world disappeared completely for a moment. I loved this girl, so, so much. I looked up and saw her running back towards me, a bright smile on her face. I could tell, her parents had said yes. This was going to be a very good summer.

A/N: There we have it! End of year one! I apologize if the ending seemed a bit rushed, but I had a lot to get in, and I'm rather excited to get to year two. That's when things really start heating up with the unique story for Y/N. So stay tuned!

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