More Questions

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We met up with Harry and Ron later that day at lunch. Harry was absolutely ecstatic, as McGonagall had apparently decided that after his little stunt on the broom he ought to join the Quidditch team.

Ron's jaw dropped at the news. "They made you Seeker? But you must be the youngest in..."

"Nearly a century! Said Harry excitedly. "McGonagall told me!"

I slapped him on the back. "Great job man!"

He smiled as Fred and George came over. "Congrats Harry! Wood told us, we're on the team as well. Beaters!"

I smiled at them. "Well if you've got them protecting you I reckon you'll be just fine Harry!"

Harry frowned slightly. "Maybe. I'm just a bit nervous, I barely know anything about Quidditch!"

Hermione smiled. "You'll be fine! It's in your blood!"

Harry raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"You mean you don't know?" Said Hermione, confusedly. "Follow me, I'll just show you."

Hermione dragged us off through the castle, eventually bringing us to the trophy room. She pointed over to one of the many trophies in the room. On it was a record of winning Quidditch teams. On one of the plaques was a familiar name: James Potter - Seeker.

Harry's jaw dropped. "My dad was..."

Hermione smiled at him. See! You'll be fine, Harry!"

As we headed back down to finish eating, we ran into Dumbledore.

"Ah, young L/N! Just who I was hoping to see."

I gulped. "Yes sir?"

He smiled down at me. "Just follow me, you can rejoin your friends later!"

I gave the other four a look that said that I would be fine and the walked off, all of them, particularly Marie, looking back at me with slight concern on their faces.

Eventually, we made it to Dumbledore's office. As it turns out, it was hidden behind a gargoyle you needed a password to pass. He settled down in his chair as I stared in awe at a bright red bird sitting on a perch. A Phoenix.

"I see you've noticed Fawkes."

I smiled. "He's beautiful sir!"

"Very true, L/N! Now, I'm afraid I have a meeting at the ministry rather soon, so we will have to keep this brief. First, you are not in trouble, far from it. I just wanted to talk to you since I heard from Professor Flitwick about your personal studies and private classes with him."

I nodded. "They have been quite helpful! Thank you for allowing them and all!"

Dumbledore smiled widely at me. "Of course! I have always appreciated an inquisitive mind! Now he told me about what you are pursuing on your own time, and I just wanted to tell you two things. Firstly, take care. The spells you are studying are far more advanced than anything you will learn in your first year here, and that brings with it a certain level of danger. From what Professor Flitwick said you are taking precautions, so I have no real concerns, but I would just like to reinforce the importance of those precautions. Secondly, I have this to give you."

He opened a drawer and withdrew a rather fancy looking book.

"The Duelist's Guide to Advanced Self Defense. A rather difficult book to come across. I believe it will be of great help to you. Feel free to hang onto it as long as you need, feel free to keep it if you wish, it is yours now."

I gasped slightly. "Are... are you sure sir?"

He smiled, tapping his forehead lightly. "It's all up here now! It does me no good to let it collect dust on a shelf, better it be used by you! Consider it a gesture of appreciation for your mother as well as a gift to you."

My eyes went wide. "You know my mother? How?"

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow. "Well I remember all my students, and she was one of the best! There is more, but I gather from your reaction that she has not told you. It is not my place to disclose her past to you, forgive me, but I cannot say more. Ask her about it, if you so desire, but I will not make her choice for her."

I sighed, a bit disappointed. "Fair enough, sir! Thank you very much for the book! I truly appreciate it!"

Dumbledore smiled and stood up. "I must be off now! Tell your friend Harry I look forward to seeing him on the Quidditch pitch!"

I nodded happily and followed him down the stairs, thanking him once more as I parted to head to the dining hall. When I got there, Hermione, Ron, and Harry seemed to be arguing rather intensely about something, with Marie sitting back, looking very much uncomfortable.

"Uh, what happened guys?"

Hermione turned to me. "Harry and Ron are going to try and duel Malfoy tonight! They could get hurt, maybe even get expelled!"

I sighed. "Harry, are you sure you want to do this? It's rather dangerous."

Harry nodded his head, a look of steely determination on his face. "He has it coming."

I looked at Hermione, who was noticeably angry, and Marie, who seemed to be pleading with me to try and moderate this. "I certainly agree with you on that, but is it really wise? It could be a trap, I doubt he will even show up."

Harry stood up with a huff, Ron quickly following him. "You three don't have to get involved, but I made my decision. I'm not backing down from him."

Before I could as much as open my mouth to respond, they stormed off. I sat down, groaning.

"I get why you're upset Hermione, trust me, but they have a point too. If we just run scared of him he will never stop his nonsense."

Hermione sighed. "I'm going to try and stop them tonight. It's reckless. You two do what you want."

I thought for a moment, and then looked to Marie, who nodded, seemingly thinking the same thing I was. "We'll support you Hermione. As much as I want to see Malfoy be put in his place, this whole plan reeks of a trap. Like I said, he probably won't even show up. Just wants Harry to get caught outside the dorms past curfew."

Hermione smiled lightly. "Thanks, Y/N. You too, Marie. I'm glad you two have some sense. Anyways, what happened with Dumbledore?"

I smiled and pulled out the book he had given me. "He wants to help me with my studies, I guess. Said something about him owing my mom. He wouldn't elaborate on why, though."

Marie frowned slightly, seeming deep in thought. "First Snape, now Dumbledore. It's all rather good for you, just seems a bit odd. She never said anything about either of them, right?"

I shook my head. "Nope. Said Dumbledore was a genius, but I'm pretty sure everyone thinks that about him, so it's hardly a clue. I'll ask her in my next letter, I suppose. Worst that can happen is she doesn't want to talk about it."

Marie and Hermione smiled and we returned to our food, which was somehow still warm. Magic, I suppose. As we ate, and indeed for the rest of the day, I couldn't shake my questions. What exactly had my mom done to make both Snape and Dumbledore owe her? Snape I wasn't sure about owing her, I suppose, but some connection with her was the only explanation for how he was acting, right? I eventually just decided to put it out of my mind. Thinking about it wouldn't do much for me. I had bigger problems that night to deal with.

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