The Grand Feast

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I had some rather strange dreams when I was out. I think I was in some sort of field, but everything was sort of foggy. All I could really make out were a bunch of flashing lights and a strange symbol in the sky. I awoke early one morning, and found Marie at my side, asleep in a chair. I lightly shook her shoulder to wake her up.

"Marie... is everyone ok?"

She rubbed her eyes. "Y/N! You're awake! Madam Pomfrey said you would be fine but..."

I smiled and pulled her into a hug. "I promised you I would be fine, darling. I'm not going to do that if I'm not sure of it."

Suddenly, the curtains around my bed in the infirmary parted, and Dumbledore walked in.

"I do hope I'm not intruding. It is just rather important that I hear the details of what happened. Harry hasn't woken up yet, so I only have the basic details he was able to give before he passed out."

I was a bit disappointed that I didn't have more time with Marie, but I tried my best to smile.

"It's ok, Professor. I was just about to tell Marie about it, so you didn't really interrupt anything."

Dumbledore took a seat and I began to tell the tale. When I got to the point about the cruciatus curse, Marie's eyes went wide.

"HE WHAT!?!?!?"

I nodded grimly. "Yeah. It was horrible. I promise you, though, I'm ok. He didn't cast it on me for that long, I think Harry got it worse."

She frowned. "Don't try and hide anything from me Y/N. I'm your girlfriend for Christ's sake, you can tell me if it still bothers you."

I smiled softly. "Honestly, Marie, I think I'm fine. A bit sore, but I don't think it left any lasting damage. I mean I reckon it might be hard to handle seeing it used again, but I don't exactly think the chances of that happening anytime soon are particularly high. I... I've been through it before. I've figured out how to deal with it."

She pulled me into a hug. "If you say so, Y/N. But I'm always here if you need to talk, so promise me you will."

I gave her a tight squeeze. "I will. Promise."

Dumbledore had a look of concern on his face. "It is not good for someone as young as you to be as... accustomed to that damnable spell. Although your reaction to it is not surprising. I know many people who have had a similar reaction to such things. It is a mark of strong determination. You ought to be proud of it. But Miss Yinsby is correct. If something does bother you, please do not hesitate to tell someone. It was my fault that this plot went undetected under my watch, it is only right that I do what I can to correct the results of it."

I nodded. I was being mostly honest with them. It really hadn't bothered me all that much. Sure it was painful as all hell, but, well, this time was different than that time in the forest. Back then, it had been true torture, more prolonged, more cruel. Most importantly, I had no agency in it. When Quirrell used it on me, it was just a few moments, and I had been able to focus on helping Harry. Somehow, me willingly taking the curse made it less mentally scarring.

I continued my story. When I finally finished, Dumbledore smiled softly and stood up.

"Well, Y/N. You ought to be very proud of yourself. You've faced something that most wizards twice your age would shudder in terror at. You are a remarkable young man, truly your mother's son."

"Sir, if I may. Would it be possible for you to tell me what she did during the war?"

He pursed his lips for a moment. "I cannot give you any specific details. That remains her story to tell. However, I can tell you that she will understand what you have just been through. She... she went through similar horrors. And came out in much the same way as you have. Truly remarkable, that. Now. I must be off. Get some rest my dear boy, Madam Pomfrey tells me you were murmuring in your sleep. You deserve a peaceful rest."

I woke up later that day to attend the end of year feast. I'd apparently been asleep for three whole days. As me, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Marie walked in we audibly groaned at the sight of Slytherin banners hanging throughout the hall. They'd done it again, I suppose. As we all got settled, Dumbledore grabbed our attention from the head of the room.

"Hello everyone! What a year it has been! I imagine you are all quite excited to get on to the actual feast, so I will run through the House Cup results right away! In fourth place, we have Gryffindor, with 281 points! In third, Hufflepuff, with 357! In second, Ravenclaw, with 412! And in first, for the seventh year in a row, Slytherin, with  531!"

At that, the Slytherin table erupted with cheers. Malfoy had an incredibly obnoxious grin on his face.

"Yes, yes, congratulations! But I have a few last minute points to hand out! First, to Ron Weasley, fifty points for the greatest game of chess Hogwarts has seen in years! Next, to Hermione Granger, fifty points for remaining calm and collected under intense pressure! Next, to Marie Yinsby, fifty points for her deep trust and confidence in her friends, and willingness to sacrifice glory in service of ensuring their safety! Next, to Y/N L/N, fifty points for remarkable perseverance and bravery in face of great danger! And another fifty, to Harry Potter, for sheer tenacity and force of will!"

Once everyone had a chance to add up the points in their heads, the entire room, save the Slytherins, erupted into cheers. We had tied for first! If only Dumbledore had given out one more point!

"Ahem! I am not finished! I have one more student to give points to. It takes great bravery to stand up to your enemies. But it takes more to stand up to your friends. Thus, I award ten points to Neville Longbottom! I believe we need a change in decor!"

At that, the cheers resumed, even louder this time. I pulled Marie into a tight hug, kissing her as I did so, not caring who saw. We had actually won! Malfoy's brain seemed to be completely broken by the news, he was simply sitting their with a blank expression on his face. Snape gave McGonagall a halfhearted hug. People piled on top of Neville, who was suddenly the most popular student in the entire school. It was a good day.

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