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Mr. And Mrs. Yinsby were waiting for us at Platform 9 3/4. Marie ran up to them and gave them a hug as I dragged our trunks behind me. I had tried to use the levitation charm to help me, but I couldn't quite keep it up on both the trunks at once, so I just had to carry them the old fashioned way. I suppose thats what I deserved for bringing so many books with me, though. I had probably overestimated how much time I would have for reading. Finally, I made it over to Marie's parents. Her father frowned at her.

"Did you make him carry your trunk for you?"

I laughed slightly and shook my head. "No sir, I offered. Honest! If anything I had to convince her to let me."

He smiled down at me. "Please, call me Henry. I hear sir enough down at the office, I don't particularly want to be that formal here at home."

"Auror office right?" He had mentioned that he was an Auror back in Diagon Alley, and so did Marie the other day, but I wanted to make sure I had it right.

Mrs. Yinsby nodded. "Aye, Henry's an Auror. A rather good one, if you ask me! Jessica, by the way, in case you forgot. I wouldn't blame you, we only met briefly and it has been quite a while."

I shook my head. "I'm generally good with names, fortunately. Speaking of names, where is Stanley? He staying at Hogwarts over the break?"

Henry nodded as we began to walk off through King's Cross. "Yeah, said he wanted to stay with his friends this year. Those Weasley boys. Can't say I entirely approve, but oh well."

Jessica frowned at him. "You were rather like them back in your day, Henry, I wouldn't be quite so harsh. I could tell Y/N many, many stories about your exploits."

Henry blushed. "Oh fair enough. I grew out of it though!"

Jessica smiled and poked him in the nose. "Somewhat."

We made our way to an empty room and joined hands. Henry looked down at me. "I imagine you've apparated before?"

I nodded.

"Good, get ready then!"

I felt the familiar tug at my navel and before I knew it, we popped out in front of a beautiful seaside Italian style villa, presumably the house in Wales that Marie had mentioned.

"It's beautiful!" I exclaimed, rather impressed.

Jessica smiled brightly at me. "Thank you Y/N! My mum built it years ago, she was from Italy, said it reminded her of home."

Henry cleared his throat. "Well come on now, you ought to get settled. Merlin knows you need it after that ride." He looked at me with a slight glance of concern. It was as if he could tell that something was bothering me. Maybe he was a legilimens?

"I'm ok Henry, I promise. Just a weird day."

He nodded lightly. "Well if you need to talk, I'm always here. I've seen a lot in my time at the Ministry, so I may be able to be of some help. And to answer your question, yes, I am. I promise I'll avoid looking too deep into your mind, though. I've always thought that to be a bit rude."

I smiled somewhat hesitantly. "Thank you. I appreciate that, I suppose. Sorry, I don't quite know how to respond to that to be entirely honest."

He laughed. "Most people don't, Y/N, don't worry! Lets get inside now, it is rather chilly."

We walked in and Marie showed me to my room, which was next to hers. It had a balcony overlooking a nearby cliff that dropped off into the sea. I wasn't entirely sure where in Wales we were, but it was utterly beautiful. I could get used to it here. Marie sat down on my bed and patted the spot next to her.

"What's bothering you, Y/N? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I'd like to try and help."

I sighed and sat down. "How did Malfoy know? About my sister, I mean. It makes no sense. Theres maybe twenty people in the world who know the whole story, and they all live over in America, except for you and Hermione, I suppose."

Marie frowned slightly. "His father. Lucius. My dad said he was a Death Eater. Claimed that he was under the imperious curse and got off somehow. Utterly ridiculous."

My eyes went wide. "If I find out that bastard had anything to do with what happened, I swear on my life..."

Marie pulled me into a hug. "Please, Y/N. Promise me you won't do anything stupid."

I shook my head. "I won't, I know full well I couldn't go after Lucius even if I wanted to. Not anytime soon at least. It's just..."

She nodded understandingly. "I know. I won't pretend to understand what it feels like, but I can tell how painful it all is for you. Just promise me that whatever you end up doing, if anything, you tell me first? I want to be there to do what I can to help."

I chuckled. "Joining in on my revenge plot, are you? Hermione won't much like that."

Marie grinned. "Then we just won't tell her. You were my first friend here, Y/N, I'll stick with you no matter what. To hell with what anyone else thinks."

I couldn't help but smile and begin to tear up slightly at that. I pulled her into a hug. "Same here, Marie. Same here."

After we had collected ourselves, we went out for a short walk. I wanted to let Cinnabar get a sense for the area, since she probably hadn't been many places like this before. She absolutely adored the openness of it, and kept diving up and down along the cliff edge. Up in a wooded area, we found an old ruined tower, which I immediately dragged Marie off to explore.

"I don't get what's so exciting, Y/N, it's just an old tower."

I gasped. "Marie, this must be hundreds of years old! We just don't have this stuff over in America, it's so cool!"

She shrugged. "Hogwarts is probably older."

"Yeah, but everyone knows about Hogwarts. We might be the only ones who know about this place. Surely that makes it cooler."

Marie sighed. "You're such a nerd, Y/N. Honestly, who else would be this excited over a bunch of old rocks."

"Hermione would."

Marie chucked. "Exactly!"

I chased her back to the house, the two of us laughing the entire way there. Staying with her over break was the best idea I'd had in quite some time.

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