Chapter 1:

13 0 0

March 27, 2516, Janus Colony Space Station

The sun peeking through the partially closed curtains jolted me awake. I rolled over to face away from the bright light. That worked for all of five minutes before my alarm went off at 06:00.

I slammed the alarm to silent then sat up. "Shit. Alright alright, I'm up. Computer, open the curtains to full."

A feminine voice replied. "Affirmative." The curtains all opened up letting in max light. I begrudgingly get up and begin to get ready for my typical day. I go over to the mirror and grab my hairbrush.

I'm Kaylin Craft. I've got large brown eyes that remind you of Hershey's Kisses. My long, wavy hair is the color of a Dichondra Silver Falls plant. I love my bright silver hair, even if my mom doesn't.

###A quick side note...

I wasn't always Kaylin. At least not three years ago I wasn't. I was Perry. I was a boy. I'm transgender. I never wanted to be Perry. I was miserable. I hated the name. I hated the life. I hated the person. I hated the way everyone expected me to be. My dad died on Earth so he wasn't around. And my mom was scared that I was going to hurt myself badly, she wasn't sure what to do.

Well, it was shortly thereafter that I decided I wanted to change my life. Three weeks after that, I chose my new name, and I was happier than ever. With science and technology so much more progressed than it was, let's say back in the year 2020, transition and all the related surgeries are SO much easier and less invasive. So in January of last year, I got my VCS or Voice Change Surgery taken care of and decided not to go for full bottom surgery. Honestly, I don't know why. It just didn't bother me as much as my voice did. I did opt for the orchiectomy, therefore removing the majority of the Testosterone from my body.

Anyways, back to the story...###

I brush it then go over to my wardrobe. Shit, I forgot to grab a chair again, I think to myself. See I'm only 4 foot 11, so reaching things above a certain height was nearly impossible for me without help. I go grab a chair so I can reach the top shelf. I grab some random selection of clothes to put on. I lay my clothes on the chair and then grab underwear.

As soon as I attempt to put my bra on, I curse. Damn it, not again. My boobs are already huge. I need to go bra shopping again. I struggled to get it on and clasped. I can feel the loops in the back screaming for release. Damn, I need to go soon too. I get dressed, pin my badge on and leave my room. I turn around, press my finger to the keypad and a red "LOCKED" appears on the screen.

As soon as I reach the kitchen, my idiot brother, Mylin rushes around behind me and with the snap of a rubber band or something of the sort and a loud POP, my bra hooks give in and bust.

"MOM!!!! Mylin broke another bra!!"

From the other room, I hear our mom, Violetta. "Mylin! That's 20 Mystics out of your allowance!"

"Mom, WHY?! Kaylin's boobs are too big for her bras anyways, so why does she even bother wearing them?!"

###Another side note...

It took all of the last three years for Mylin to finally get used to my new name and pronouns. He loved to tease me and cause issues for me until Mom finally decided to take away his weekly allowance unless he got it together. That got his ducks in a row fast.

Ok, back to it...###

"You dolt, it's BECAUSE they're so big is WHY I need to wear them." I scream at him while I make my way back to my room. I get another bra on and this time I add a support tank top to the outfit just in case. Besides, this one feels even worse than the first one. I get back to the kitchen to find my mom standing there over Mylin. She's got his arm in a death grip.

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