Chapter 7:

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I'm just standing there in shock. She's looking at me, smiling.

Ok, I'm still alive at least. This is good.

I turn to her and blink, still not quite sure of what just happened. "Ok, hang on. My brain needs to catch up. Did you just...?" She just nods. "Kaylin, we've known each other for years, practically grew up together. The twins and I have been by your side since the beginning, when you were... less happy with your life. We're practically our own little family here."

She chuckles. "I guess we've got like a 'ride or die' kinda family bond. It's like First Officer Parker said in the mess hall about our teamwork and how others could take a page out of our book. Well, it's true, but then there's something more between you and I. Kay, I've been your closest friend all our lives. When you finally found the courage to tell me about who you really were, I was so happy that you trusted me to share such an intimate secret. I've known for years how you've felt about me. I felt the same. But when you transitioned, I held myself back. Because sometimes people's preferences change during times like that. But not yours. I've always been the only light in your eye. You really are pretty obvious..."

Damn, I was too obvious. Mom was right. I thought to myself.

"But that's what I like about you. All this time, I'm the only one you've ever looked at that way."

By this time, my brain has finally powered back on enough to formulate a response. "I was just never sure how you felt about me. We've always had this best friend relationship, and I didn't want to ruin that. I still don't. But seeing the fact that you stuck around even through my transition told me that there really isn't much that could tear us apart." I gave her a hug. We stood there in the lift hugging tightly all the way down to the Docking Bay level.

When the lift opens up, the first person we see when we get out is none other than Hikari. She instantly scowls at me. "So you got invited to go on the mission. Lucky bitch." I shrug. "My skill is better than yours? I mean, look who's still working in Supply." I start walking. Hikari stomps her foot. "That doesn't make you better than me!" She walks over and tries to slap me. Misaki is hot on her heels though as she halts Hikari's hand in mid air with her Telekinesis. "I'd prefer it if you didn't do that." She says, pointing her finger at Hikari's hand.

I turn around and shake my head. "Hikari, find something you're good at and master it. That's what I did. Of all the things that can be done on the station, I found something I like to do and got good at it. I didn't spend my time banging guys on consoles in the reactor room. There's still time. You're still young enough to choose something else to do. This is what I've chosen, and I enjoy it."

I put my hand on Hikari's shoulder. "I don't have any bad feelings towards you. In the 15 years I've known you, I never have, and I never will. Yours will come soon, just be patient and keep working towards your goals. Many of mine are finally starting to fall into place and I'm at a place in my life where I'm happier than I ever have been."

I look at Misaki. "Come on, babe." I hold my hand out to her, which she takes right away, releasing her telekinetic hold on Hikari. We walk away leaving her standing in the corridor, shocked. "Wait... 15 years..?" Are the last words we hear from Hikari as we walk away.

When we get to Misaki's place, the first thing her parents notice is us holding hands.

###Ok let me stop here real quick...

So our families have known each other as long as her and I have been friends. We've even shared holidays together, we're that close. So they were around when I transitioned and they were cool with it. I'm sure they were hoping that Misaki would date a nice boy and have kids, etc etc etc. Eye roll.###

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