Part 8

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Sleeping with the curtains and windows open, to catch the soft night breeze, produced a side effect that Felix always forgot. His bedroom caught the morning sun, and blazing through his open curtains was a particularly dazzling ray of light. A ray of light that just happened to land on his face at what he affectionately called 'the ass-crack of dawn'. Dust motes danced across the freckles on his face until he surfaced from sleep and scrunched up his eyes.

His friends always joked that he was like a cat, with his slightly feline features and his lithe way of moving and dancing. However, in a distinctly un-catlike move, he rolled over, pulling the sheet up and shoving his head under his pillow. All in an effort to hide from the ray of sunlight, relentlessly shining into his eyes. Unfortunately, he'd forgotten about the cut healing on his thigh and groaned, not only about the sun, but also in pain. Felix pulled the pillow off his head and sat up while scrubbing the sleep from his eyes.

'I guess I'm up then... I swear I'm rearranging my room today though'.

Yawning, he got out of bed and went to start his morning routine. Looking in the mirror while brushing his teeth, Felix thought that he still looked a little too skinny, but forcing himself to eat with Binnie had brought a bit of a healthier look to his face. His appetite still wasn't great, but he was determined to keep it up. Felix knew Binnie was over the moon at seeing him eating and interacting with him. Smiling around his toothbrush, Felix realised he loved seeing Binnie happy. He would keep doing this. He would keep eating and talking with Bin, even if he wasn't feeling it inside, he would do it for his hyung.

Sitting on his bed, Felix listened to his latest work again. It was a very basic take with just raw vocals, alongside his keyboard, but that actually worked pretty well in his opinion. He made a few notes about where he could add in harmonies and some reverb. Binnie would likely have some great suggestions too. Hyung wasn't just a talented rapper, he composed mind-blowing rap and heartfelt slower songs that made you cry. Then to top it all off, he was a brilliant producer. At times Felix felt the odd pang of jealousy that Bin had so much talent, but most of the time he was just inordinately proud of his friend.

Changbin woke to some very soft music coming from Felix's room. He couldn't quite make out the song, but lay there almost feeling the deep tones, of his friend's voice, in his bones. He figured that this must be the song that Lix had been working on, and from the soft sounds he could hear, it seemed that Felix might have completed it. He hoped his friend would let him have a listen soon, and maybe even let him help produce it.

Laying back on his pillow, Changbin let his mind wander. He always wondered why Lixie didn't pursue a career in singing. Changbin knew his main passion was songwriting, but Lix had such a beautiful and appealing voice. His deep tones could almost make the listener feel like his voice was vibrating inside them. His speaking voice was similar, dark, heartrending and very intimate at times. It certainly made Changbin's heart melt, for sure. Then Felix's middle register was so clear and bright - you'd almost think it was a completely different singer. The top notes and falsetto also appeared to be ridiculously easy for Felix. How the boy was able to produce such breathtaking sounds from one single voice-box was perplexing.

He knew Felix was on the shyer and more anxious side though. So Changbin figured that was probably why he preferred the songwriting side of the industry. It was a shame though, truly the world deserved to hear the talent that was Lee Felix.

Pulling himself out of bed, he quickly ran through his morning routine and headed to the kitchen. Peering into the cupboards and fridge, it didn't appear that Felix had eaten anything that he could see. Changbin called out to his flatmate.

'Lix - I'm making scrambled eggs, do you want any?'

'That'd be great thanks, hyung. Do you want some help?' Felix replied.

'Nah, all good. It will only take a couple of minutes'.

'I'll be out in a moment then.'

Breaking some eggs into a bowl, Changbin considered a moment and added a handful of shredded cheese and some herbs. The two didn't often make them that way, but Changbin thought that the extra calories for Felix were needed still.

Felix wandered out to the kitchen and smiled at his friend. Changbin grinned back.

'Almost done, can you set the table?'

Felix grabbed some plates, cutlery and glasses for juice. As both sat and started eating their breakfast, they chatted about the day's plans.

'I'm just doing the finishing touches on Hyunjin's song he wrote. I told you about that one, didn't I?' Changbin said. 'It's called Don't Let Me Love You. I can ask him if it's ok for you to listen to, if you'd like to hear it? It's nearly done.'

'Sounds great.' Felix smiled then paused.

'Umm, I've... err... finished something too.' Felix could feel a slight blush start making its way up his neck. 'Maybe once you've completed his song, you could have a listen to mine? See what you think? No rush, when you're free, you know... only if you want to.' He finished in a rush of tumbled words.

Changbin schooled his face into a happy, but not over the top, smile and said 'Of course! I'd love to give you suggestions or we can produce it together in the studio if you'd like'. In reality Changbin wanted to leap up screaming at how happy he was that Felix had asked. Lixie was so shy and unsure about his work, when he really didn't need to be. Not only was his friend a gifted vocalist, he was also an adept songwriter. Once Lix had his big break, Changbin was positive he'd hit the worldwide stage and take the planet by storm. Felix just needed to believe in himself and Changbin was thrilled to even play a tiny part of getting him there, if the chance was offered.

Felix smiled, his relief at Changbin's offer was obvious. 'Binnie is such a good friend,' he thought. Then quickly tried to stamp down the next thought of 'if only he was more than a friend...' It didn't work too well though, the thought bubbled up to the top of his mind and Felix quickly ducked his head down to focus on his eggs. Desperately trying to keep his thoughts to himself and not blurt out his feelings to Bin. Felix was beyond any doubt that his eyes and blush would betray his feelings to his flatmate.

Across the table, Changbin looked at Felix, feeling slightly confused. Was Lix really that shy about his work, that the tips of his ears were completely and utterly flaming red?

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