Chapter - 3

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I have been waiting for my father for a bit and every second I just grow more anxious because I can't remember who my after is, what he looks like, or anything. I was mindlessly staring out of the window when my room door suddenly burst open and 3 men walked in, I immediately forgot everything and started to panic. That is till one of the men slowly walked toward me with his hands raised up and saying " I am your dad". I wasn't sure how to react to this, I don't know how I feel about the person standing in front of me but I also need to learn about myself. So I decided to step aside from him and set back on my bed. He sat on the chair near my bed and was just staring at me.

I decided to talk first and asked his name, He replied " Mario Cartel " so I asked what my name was? and what my mother's name is? where do I live, and everything about my past. He took a deep breath and said something under his breath that I didn't understand. I immediately thought I did something wrong and started to apologize. he just sat there looking everywhere but me now. He said "Your name is Hazel Shaw Cartel. your mother died when you were 15. you don't have any siblings and your birthday is December 6th. you are 22 years old, you completed high school, and were studying nursing before everything happened." He just dropped that information on me, just like that! I don't have a mother or sibling. the man in front of me just scares me and I don't know what to do with myself anymore.

After he told me that information, he tried to talk to me but my brain just couldn't process that anymore. I tried to ask him what happened to me but he avoided the question like the plague and just said that we can talk about that once I am back home and completely recovered.

He left after talking to me for a bit, he brought me my laptop and phone saying that it might help with remembering things, and asked me to call him if I need anything at all. He left two really scary men outside my room and told me they were there for my protection, I decided not to dwell on that too much and instead go through my laptop and phone looking through all the pictures and information trying to remember anything but I couldn't. I cried throughout the night. I cried for myself, I cried for my mother, my father, and for whatever happened to me.

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