Chapter - 9

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I was staring out of the window, I could stop crying and thinking about the moment I decided to step out of the penthouse. I wish I could have just stayed there or asked one of the guards to accompany me, at least I wouldn't be in this situation. I don't even know where this man is taking me or if he plans to kill me or hurt me.

I was too busy in my own thoughts and only noticed my surrounding when the car came to an abrupt stop. I look outside and saw the house. My dad's house. I was happy for a mere second before I started my panic raise again because of all those flashbacks and memories I had the last time stepped inside. I am not doing that again! I won't go inside I will just wait outside for my dad till he can get me back to the penthouse. I was staring at the house when my side of the door was jerked open and I was roughly dragged out of the van. This man grabbed me by my arm again and started to walk towards the house.

I was trying to stop myself and him, asking him to not take them in there. I started to shout and thrash around in his arm, which didn't affect him at all, he didn't even look at him and kept walking inside with me. I could feel my panic coming up and my heartbeat going faster. I was full-blown crying and everything around me was starting to spin. The guy, Blake I believe was saying something which I couldn't understand. I think we were almost near the house entrance when everything went black. I felt my heartbeat slow down and my panic started to disappear. at that moment I didn't care what happened next, I was in my comfort of darkness and oblivion. No one other than my nightmares can harm me here.

I woke up to the sound of two men arguing and trashing things outside my room. I was back in the penthouse. I could make out one person to be my dad but I didn't know who the other person was. I wanted to go outside but was scared to walk into something I shouldn't be. I still decided to walk out, don't know why but I just did. This is definitely going to get me in trouble someday but I can't help myself, what if Dad needs some help?

so I slowly walked out trying to make sure was everything okay. As soon as they saw me they stopped what they were arguing about. there was an older-looking man who kinda resembled my dad but had a really ugly-looking scar across his face. He walked toward me and said " I heard you don't remember anything, I am your uncle Robert" I just said hello after which he looked at my dad and said "So this what you are trying to protect huh? you are going against the family because of her and your bitch? your dead bitch?" I already didn't like this man, whatever he was talking about must have upset my dad because he got him by the throat, whispered something in his ear, and pushed him out of the house.

This was the first time I have seen him lose control like this or at least the first that I remember. After my uncle left, Dad was just pacing around in the room. After a few minutes he calmed down and walked toward me, he didn't ask me anything about last night or what happened after I passed out, or who the man was. He just told me to pack up my things, that I was leaving tonight for Texas, and that a driver will take me to the airport. He said that and he left, no hug or kiss or anything.

I don't know why I felt so hurt, I was the one who asked to leave and stay away from him. I don't know why it hurts that my dad won't talk to me or tell me what's going on with him.

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