Little Pretend Letters

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I am a little girl called awake by the jangling of keys

Slid into the mailbox every yawning morning

I used to feed on the yellow envelopes you'd send me

And starve every week I didn't get them

Sometimes I like to pretend I'm opening the metallic door

To find an envelope embossed by your name

Sometimes I like to pretend I'm unfolding your letter

Crispy layer by crispy layer like unwrapping food from under plastic

Sometimes I like to pretend I'm writing to you again

If you'd ask me where I've been

Shall I tell you my story from where you left off?

Chapter by chapter my plot holding itself in

Shall I tell you of the blisters on my hands

And the indents on my fingers from gripping the strings

Or shall I tell you of the times I survived without your pity?

When I'm the last in the water

Will anyone look back and see?

When I'm living alone, alone, alone

Will you come back and haunt me?

But all I wish to know

Is if somebody will love me

I am a little girl called awake by the sound of rustling paper

And the writing of my little pretend letters

Pressed with dried sunflower petals and faking smiles

And the ringing sound of Dear and Sincerely

But my last little pretend letter can tell you

I am a little girl forever keeping you in my heart

While whistling in the wind that will sail me far, far away...

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