the opening act

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I wake up in the dark room nobody in sight

Y/N :"where the am I, what happened to me?"

??? :"You finally wake up and as for what happened, you unfortunately died in a car crash"

Y/N : "I died in a car crash really not hit by a bus or a truck ?"

??? : "No why do you think you hit by a bus or a truck ?"

Y/N : "because that the classic way to died in isekai format. Anyway so I Died, that mean you mess be God am i right ?"

God : "yes i am young one"

Y/N : "ok but why can't i see your face, all a I see is a white rope in your body"

God : "that becau-"

Y/N : "Let me guess mortal aye can't see God face"

God : "pretty much so you might think why are you here"

Y/N : "let me guess again because i am not a good person so i am gone send to hell"

God : "no you a good person on the in side but on the outside you are bad, just like what the paper say you bully a shy girl that have zero friend but your goal is not to bully because of you like it you have a reason for it because you know someday that somebody Will defend her from you and it is one day you bully her again but a boy intervene"

A screen appeared in the middle it
show It was in the school ground
I was bullying her again until somebody intervene

Boy : "Why do you bully this girl!!!"

Y/N : "why because she weak"

The boy get angry try to Punch me but I dogde and Punch him in the stomach and the boy drop from the Punch

Y/N : "Is that all"

Girl : "please....stop"

Y/N : "whatever I am living"

I then walk far away from the two

Girl : "Are you okay"

Boy : "Man that hurt so much anyway I am fine but are you okay ?"

Girl :"I am fine thank you"

Boy :"but who is that guy bullying you ?"

Girl :"That Y/N, he is very cold person and powerful person rumor say that he beat 5 thugs in just a second"

Boy :"Wow no wonder that Punch hit hard and if you being bully by him again come to me I protect you"

Girl :"yo-you protect me !?!?"

Boy :"Yes why ???"

Girl :"You want to protect me from the strongest guy in school are you stupid or playing dump !!!!"she shout

Boy :"I Don't care of he is the strongest guy in school, I protect you no matter what"he said with confidence

Girl :"thanks you...."she said with a red face

Boy :"come on, let's go class in about to start"

Then they star to walk away

Boy :"anyway my name is"

Form a far away you watch them with a Tiny smile on your face you thought

Y/N :'finally somebody defend her now I can rest a bit'

You then walk away form the oppeset direction

The screen turn to cut to black

God :"wow never a thought human would be happy from some thing like that"

Y/N :"I know that never thought God would be surprise"

God :"why not just be with friend her"

Y/N :"that the hard part you know what happened if I become friend with her, 1. She Will only have me as her friends because nobody gone go near me and 2. She Will a target of a gang. The only way to make her to have friends is bully her until somebody intervene it a 50/50 if it work"

God :"ok good point now then the main topik, your not gonna go to hell because I want t-"

Y/N :"Isekai in to another world, with a wish"

God :"yes because you are interesting person, you have 3 wishes but, the world it's random"

Y/N :"ok let me time to think about the wish"

30 menit later (A/N : Wow )

God :"are you done thinking"

Y/N :"yes"

God :"good because waiting here and watching you thinking is boring, so what your wishes"

Y/N :"my first wish is to have the power of Kevin kaslana from honkai impact and all the form like parvati, chimera and deliverance"

God :"ok that gonna be powerful but why Kevin kaslana from honkai impact"

Y/N :"why because he cool and that it"

(A/N : why am i not make more because my brain hurt thinking another reason to like Kevin, if you don't like it tell me why you like Kevin kaslana)

God :"ok the your second"

Y/N :"power of every herrscher and the third every divine keys"

God :"ok what world gone have you it's gone be grim or good" God mumble "anyway you world. This box Will tell me and you witch world you are gonna be ok here we go"

God grab a card in the box

Y/N :"so witch world am i gonna be ???"

God :"hyperdimension neptunia"

Y/N :"the one with four nation fighting over for share energy ?"

God :"yes"

Y/N :"ok cool maybe I can be a antagonis there"

God : "why in the world would you be and antagonis there???"

Y/N :"because there no much good villain in there and every fucking fanfic in wattap neptunia is a about the Heram and I am genting tired of it"

God :"because of your thinking I might take an interes in you, and because that i give you an extra wishes and that summon and control every honkai beast and don't be worry about honkai radiation they are gone turn to ash when deafeat. For the power of the honkai beast it's gone be weak From honkai impact"

Y/N :"thanks you"

God :"now go young one go to that dimension and cost some chaos!!!"

Y/N :"what happened to you God at the beginning you calm and now you feel evil"

God :"because you are the first ever person in here that don't want become the hero"

Y/N :"wow"

God :"now go young one and good bye"

Y/N :"good bye God"

Flash of light make me cover my eyes when I open my eyes again I am in a forest some where in gameindustri. I look at my body and wow is this Kevin kaslana power I feel like I can destroy a city with a single strike with that I look in front of me and say

Y/N :"hello gamindustri and soon you Will be nothing more then a test for the honkai"

So how my first fanfic and my first chapter do you like it or not

And English my second language so sorry if i mist word there

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