act 3 the adventure

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After i go through the portal i was in the forest, virtua forest near planetune. Now let's my adventure begin after I was out of the forest i see the planetune entrance it was guard by many soldier maybe because of the attack they high up the defense then when i got closer one of the guard stop me

Guard 1 :"stop right there Miss, sorry but ask Miss but what your bisnis in planetune, miss"

Y/N :"I just want to go to the guild and start adventure that it"

Guard 1 :"where you from"

Y/N :"Tiny village near planetune and also i am a guy so drop the Miss part"

Guard 1 :"o-oh i s-see well mr be careful on your way to the guild"

Y/N :"ok bye"

After that i Made my way to the guild but I forget something important i don't know my way to the guild I just lost in the middle of the planetune then i see somebody familiar and it's IF, she must be going to the guild. I then go to her said

Y/N :"hello Miss do you know the way to the guild"

IF :"oh yeah I knew the way to the guild are you knew here I never see you around here before?"

Y/N :"yeah I am new and wanna start adventure"

IF :"ok I also go there to let's go together then"

Y/N :"thanks you also what your name i am Y/N and I am a guy"

IF eye wide and said "you are a guy but why not cut your hair"

Y/N :"let's just say my family said that I look good with long hair"

IF :"I see anyway my name is IF the wind walker of gameindustri"

With that you and IF walk to the guild you the half destroy city of planetune you know what happened here but just ask IF anyway 

Y/N :"IF what happened to planetune half of the city is destroy"

IF :"you don't watch the news or something to what happened in planetune"

Y/N :"No all i do is train in the village"

IF :"i see. So what happened, 1 week ago an unknown type monster appeared in planetune and destroy half of the city"

Y/N :"that terrible so what happened next"

IF :"me and the CPU try to kill all the monster, but the they keep on coming then we rescue a soldier that tell where the boss is. Then me and planetune CPU try to deafeat it but it's just to strong. After that help arrived on time to help beat the monster. The end that it"

Y/N :"I see"

IF :"so yeah that what happened in planetune"

Then i see Kevin poster as wanted in tv and wall building

Y/N :"IF who the that white hair man"

IF :"that man is Kevin the most wanted man in gamindustri right now and if you meet him on your adventure don't fight him"

Y/N :"why is that his look ordinary on the outside" I said 'that is a complete lied'

IF :"on the outside yeah but on the inside it like a monster waiting for it pray. And he even deafeat CPU with just a strike"

Y/N :"my God what happened to the CPU"

IF :"they still a sleep in the tower while the candidate train to gain their strength back" then we in guild "oh look we are here"

We go inside the guild "wow there a lot of people here" i said

IF :"yeah after what happened in planetune many people try to help to re build the city"

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