act 1.5 cpu after the battle

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After the the battle with Kevin the CPU go back to planetune and report the new enemy to histoire

Histoire :"so you tell me that we have a new type enemy of that is stronger then the deity of sin, Rei, and kurome. Is that what you saying???"

Noire :"yes histoire he so strong in fact he just defeat all of us in just a second"

Histoire :"I see what about it his power and weapons nepgear???"

Nepgear :"for the weapon so far all we see is a two gun that can Transform in to a great sword that is hotter then Leanbox enfaerment and his power let see summon a portal that can produce chain in them that it"

Histoire :"i see...." she said while thinking

Noire :"we must do something histoire because that man still out there !!!"

Neptune :"calm down noire we should just relax for bit, wanna play game with me ??"

Noire :"neptune it no time for game and being lazy because of 'that man' still out there!!!"

Histoire :"noire is right neptune this is not the time for being lazy, and also what it his name you girls only say that man and why ??"

IF :"let me answer that for you histoire let's just say they still scared saying his name"

Noire :"what their is no way i am scared of his name!!!"

IF :"Oh yeah then say his name right now"

Noire :"ok then fine his name is ke-ke-ke-ka-ke"

Blanc :"his name is Kevin"

Neptune :"wow noire you so scared that you can't even say his name"

Noire :"SHUT UP!!!!!!"

Histoire :"anyway this Kevin I cannot find him in any nation database if he is as strong that can defeat a CPU in just a second than that is bad enough"

Blanc :"i know but it still hurt like hell when he swing that Giant sword and send me far away" 

Uni :"he also mention he have a Giant projects for gameindustri future whatever that projects is. It's bad news already"

Everyone is don't know how to think about Kevin because all they knew about Kevin is, he is not the a normal villain. While they still thinking Histoire spoke first and said

Histoire :"you all should go back to you own nation and high up the defense"

Blanc, Noire, and Vert:"already doing that"

Histoire :"and IF tell all the guild to search and catch that man or Kevin"

IF :"Ok histoire"

After that said and done everyone start saying goodbye and leave

Nepgear :"what do you think of that man IF ???"

IF :"To be honest Nepgear I don't know when I look at his eye is not like typical eye of hatred is more like a man that has been alone for a long time and Frozen beast"

Compa :"Why do you think of that iffy"

IF :"I honestly Compa, I don't know but I feel it look that way"

Nepgear :"I see"

IF :"anyway I should probably must go because i need to report him to the guild goodbye nepgear, compa"

Nepgear and compa :"good bye IF/iffy"

While everyone leaving Histoire is still thinking of him

Histoire :'I don't know what happened in the future for gamindustri but all i know is that man or Kevin is a treat to gameindustri and we must deafeat him no matter what. But where are you now Kevin'

*Back to you*

Y/N :achooo "somebody must be talking about me must be the CPU why because they are the only one i come into contacts with. Now let's see what gamindustri Made of" then I look back many purple dot can see in the dark I then smirk and say "let's attack planetune first because if I attack another nation they must be thinking that planetune attack them why i mean look them their color is purple put two and two together you get planetune. Now enough talk let's attack planetune. HONKAI BEAST let's go" I the walk to the direction of planetune

*Thank you for reading my story*

*Sorry if i Made a mistake with my word 'english is my second language'*

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