act 4 a random day

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After 1 month of adventure you enjoy it but the cult of honkai keep on increase it number the CPU weak up from their sleep perparing their nation of being attack and ASIC also return never did I expected that. But they try to recruit Kevin in their rank, the top of ASIC is never did I believe it, it's the seven Sages and I never expected all the villain in all neptunia game is here well except the gold third. Where am i now in the imaginary space just testing my power of Kevin chimera form and I am gonna say this 'how come one man have this much power' but i don't know if I want to join ASIC because if i join the cult of honkai Will follow, with that I then turn off chimera form. Then I make a portal out the imaginary  space the portal take me to fast field then I felt some present behind me

Kevin :"look like i got company" then I look behind me and it's uni the CPU Candidate of lastation she points it her gun at me and she shaking 'still scare of me but also brave enough to confront me you are brave or a fool'

Uni :"Kevin never thought I am gonna meet you here, Big sis and Kei said if you see Kevin run tell us his location"

Kevin :"And yet here you are confronting me you are brave, I tell you that lastation Candidate"

Uni :"your kindness will no change my mind of fight you"

Kevin :"I see them you are not ready to fight me yet Lastation Candidate how about this beast is you enemy"

I snap my finger summon a templar, uni wide her eyes here then shot at templar but it not work it just block by the Shield, don't have any choice Uni go HDD and shot at templar but the Shield keep bloking the shot

Uni (HDD) :'how can I deafeat this thing if my shot being block the Shield' then templar hit uni with it lance knocking Uni to the ground, Uni then turn back to human form, Uni look at up see the monster that beat her

Kevin :"hmm you done good but not good enough to kill templar, now kill her"

Templar ready to kill her but before that Rom and Ram Froze templar in it place

Nepgear :"Uni are you okay!"

Uni :"I am fine nepgear thank for the rescue"

While they talk I just touch the ice that Froze templar and not bad

IF :"Kevin" after that all eyes on me

Nepgear :"Uni, Noire and Kei tell you should run if you see Kevin why Don't you run away"

Uni :"because he call me, not ready to fight him"

Kevin :"because you are not ready, all of you are" then I just Punch the ice with my hand and it turn into a many piece "you see what I mean right"

They just don't have a word only scare of him but they here something in the forest it was Noire and Kei

Kei :"thank for telling us the location Uni"

Uni :"no problem Kei"

Noire :"Kevin, attacking and hurting my sister Will cost you your live"

Kevin :"Do I look like I care and your test is not begin yet"

Noire :"fine but Mark my word Kevin someday I Will deafeat you!!"

With that I open the portal to the imaginary space go in closed the portal

Kevin :"that was fun a bit"

I use the gems of lied to disgise myself
Open the portal to my room that I buy in planetune

Y/N :"time to go to the guild" with that I go to the guild

Few menit later I reach the guild and take a quest but something interesting happened I see the cult of honkai doing something are they making a statue of Kevin, all i say to that is wow but the most interesting is a flower in the statue that nice but a test is test I must put my plan first

Kevin reader x hyperdimension neptunia (Antagonis)Where stories live. Discover now