act 9 The attack on Leanbox

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Now IF and compa are in planetune going to the guild

IF :"man, this day it geting harder and harder"

Compa :"maybe you should rest for now iffy"

IF :"yeah sure, helping the other nation defense and geting stronger is hard"

Compa :"yeah nep-nep and the other do the same to"

But then they stop they see a portal, Uzume and Neptune come out of the portal

Uzume :"ow that hurt but where are we now?"

Adult neptune :"I think we in hyperdimension now"

Uzume then look around the place

Uzume :"yeah we are in hyperdimension but what is that place anyway?"

Croire :"I don't know but that place look interesting from the get go"

IF :"uzume and Neptune what happened to all of you"

Compa :"yeah you all look so hurt you guy look so hurt what happened"

Adult Neptune :"so this is what happened, we tried to go back here but our path is being block by something"

IF :"what do you mean by something?"

Uzume :"It's better we explain it to Neppy and the other"

IF :"ok, come on let's go to the basilicom"

After that they go to the basilicom, a few hour later they arrived in the basilicom

Histoire :"hello everyone, what are you doing here in the basilicom"

IF :"well histoire Uzume and Neptune want to talk to all the CPU"

Histoire :"why do you want to talk about Uzume"

Uzume :"what else it's about Kevin of course"

Histoire :"I see, I Will tell everyone to come here as fast as possible"

Now Uzume, IF, Compa, and Adult Neptune waiting for everyone to arrived here, one hour later everyone come

Noire :"so what do you have regarding Kevin?"

Uzume tell them every thing about what happened earlier about a dimension Kevin control and the tree, everyone don't know what to think about the explanation that Uzume tell

Histoire :"so Kevin have his own dimension?"

Uzume :"yeah we try to destroy the tree but"

Blanc :"let me guess, you guys lose to Kevin, right?"

She just nobs and said

Uzume :"I don't know how he deafeat me and Neppy so easyly, he don't even let me use HDD"

Noire :"maybe after we deal with Leanbox attack we find a way to go there and destroy it, anyone in agreement"

All the just nobs

Uzume :"oh, yeah talk about the attack on Leanbox Kevin said it in 2 weeks"

Vert :"I see, thanks for the info Uzume"

Uzume :"no problem"

Neptune :"but how are we gonna get there the dimension Kevin control?"

Adult neptune :"don't worry little me, Crosty right here can make us go there right?"

Croire :"I can't bring you back there"

Adult Neptune :"what why not!!"

Croire :"because there like an invisible barrier around the dimension that won't let me in"

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