act 1 the biggining of deliverance

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I walking around the forest mining my own bisnis until I hurt A noise it was neptune and the other CPU and the candidate fighting Arfore and underling or Linda her name.

Y/N :"interesting never thought i see them this fast. What should i do? Help Arfore and Underling" I Whisper my thought 'yeah I mean I am the antagonis so why not. Now witch divine keys should i pick i think clever of smash is good a naught'

I then look at the fight Arfore and underling is losing and i am not suprise at all they are ment to lose

Purple heart :"that enough surrender now Arfore you already lost this battle"

Arfore :"you think i am gonna surrender to a CPU never I rather die then surrender"

Underling :"boss i think we should run"

Black heart :"a enuogh talk let's end this already"

White heart :"yea let's end this because it's fucking anoying hear this 'i don't surrender' word again"

Green heart :"yes we must because i also have a important ga- I mean meeting in Leanbox"

Underling :"we are Doom"

Arfore :"shut up you stupid rat come at me CPU let's end this once for all !!!"

Purple heart :"all right then"

They are all about ready to attack but quickly interupted by gun shot in middle of the battle Arfore quickly shout

Arfore :"who their !?!??"

??? :"Never thought i meet you all here at the same time CPU of gameindustri and candidate"

They look how is shooting that gun earlier and it's was a white hair man looking at them with a out any emosion And two gun in his hand

Uni (HDD) :"I Never see that tipe gun before what about you nepgear"

Nepgear (HDD) :"no I never see anything like it"

Arfore :"I said again who are you, are you one their friends if so then you be dead"

??? :"Me nobody spesial my name" i said 'I should go with Kevin and with no kaslana why because it ruin the kaslana name and oath' my thought"it's Kevin now I am not their friends i am the same as you i hate the CPU that why interupted the fight" then i point my gun at the CPU

Purple heart :"I see a new enemy has appeared"

Kevin :"now go run i hold them for you and if you don't wanna" i said giving them a cold tone "then you die here by my hand" normal tone "understand"

All fell look at me with eye wide open
They must be scared

Arfore :"f-f-f-fine b-but next time i-i Will kill the CPU !!!" She said while walking away

Underling :"w-w-wait for me boss !!!!!" She also follow Arfore

After they ran away i then look at the CPU, the candidate and their companion 'wow IF and compa are here to never know i guess i just to focus on the CPU and their candidate' my thought then look them again ready to attack me

Kevin :"so are you ready to fight or what"i said then look at the all CPU candidate one by one 'hmm they stil weak and they have better control over their HDD state am i in re birth 3 or victory whatever thought about that leter' i thought

White heart:"hey cold face are you done looking at our sister because after this your dead !!!!"she shout

Kevin :'oh Blanc i all most pity you to be honest i pity all of you why because what you see in front of you is not a normal human but the most powerful human in the previous era' my thought

Kevin reader x hyperdimension neptunia (Antagonis)Where stories live. Discover now