act 2.5 the plan for counter the honkai

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While planetune Been rebulid the Oracle trying coming up with a plan to counter with Kevin and the monster

Compa :"nep-nep and the other is now on the bed and they are ok there are some burn injury but it's not fatal"

Histoire :"thanks you for taking care of them compa"

Compa :"no problem histy"

With that compa leave the room

Histoire :"now let's the meeting start you all know why you here"

Kei :"To discus anything related about Kevin and the monster he call honkai beast"

Histoire :"yes Kei is right, in my entire life i never seen anything like that monster before"

Mina :"histoire is right and the power, the Blade he use never seen in gameindustri before"

Chika :"i know that but everyone how can we defeat him even my darling vert and the CPU in their NEXT form can't deafeat him"

Histoire :"I don't really know how to deafeat him but i do know this that Kevin testing us"

Chika :"testing us how histoire?"

Histoire :"remember what Kevin say 'no you pass the first test from me now let's start the second test' when he say that it's like he say there gonna be more test for the CPU"

Kei :"you are right histoire but what is the test for??"

Histoire :"Even I don't know what the test for but all I can say is we need to past the test that Kevin gonna give, he must be planning to attack another nation so be careful"

Kei :"I already high up defense in lastation"

Mina and Chika :"same with us" they say at same time

Histoire :"Good now that is for to day meeting and tell the other CPU if they in counter Kevin don't and mean don't attack him"

The other Oracle just nods and start to leave

Histoire :'kevin what are and why are you testing the CPU' she though

IF :"hello Histoire"

Histoire :"hello IF, Neptune, and Uzume what are you doing here ?"

IF :"We just want to talk about Kevin and his power and weapons "

Adult neptune :"yeah I been in many dimension but never heard or hear about him, what about you Crosty"

Croire :"same never but if I see him I go with because his monster can make the history more interesting"

Adult neptune :"what about you Uzume"

Uzume :"I don't know what to say a power that is greater that can beat a CPU is anheard of"

Histoire :"I see, now IF, Neptune and Uzume if you excuse me i need to work after what happened in planetune, it gone be a lot of paper work to be done"

IF :"yeah take care histoire" with that IF look at the half destroy city of planetune, flash back how Kevin just deafeat the CPU in just a second 'what power he have, I wonder if we can deafeat him just like kurome and the deity of sin'

After that IF go to the guild, adult neptune and Uzume going to their on demension

1 week later after the attack planetune
With you in the imaginary space

After that you still wait for 3 month for another attack but you quickly got bored and make a plan

Y/N :'maybe I should disgise my self as an adventure form a Tiny village and take a quest so i can not get bored, yeah better that then waiting here for 3 month now which divine keys should i use abyss flower or seven thunder of retribution' after thinking for along time you decided to abyss flower for healing it give 'now all i need is a disgise' i then remember there no divine keys and a herrscher that have disgise as power'dammit what should i do'

There a bright light that cover you eye then you see a gems it not a herrscher core tha for shore a there a note beside the Jewel it from God it say

'I know you want adventure while Wating for your plan and you can not go on adventure because you are a criminal that why I Made this gems this gems call the gems of lied it change you appearance good right so go out their and start adventure the world. And why am I helping you because so far your story is quite intersting and entertaing to watch so good bye'

From God

PS :how to use the gems just think

I am gonna say to that God that is thank you very much now that i have this gems how use it God said just think maybe I must thinking what am I want to look like with that i think and their you wow it work I really look like her but with white hair, you must thinking who?, it Fu Hua azure empirya are my hair long yeah but the hair is white that mean I can't change my hair color 'wait am i a girl?' i then touch my crouch and it still there 'that mean i can not change gender that good to hear' now I can start my adventure 'but wait what is Fu hua with a out Feng Huang Down one more divine keys won't hurt' with that I open the portal to planetune 'I just hope I open the portal in forest near planetune' with I go to the portal to start my new adventure

The End


*And Thank you for reading*

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