Truth (Chapter 5)

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Y/n was know just chilling under a tree, he was there eating ice scream  and listening to music on his scroll. As he was doing this he was being watched by both Yang ans Ruby.

Yang" He has to be our brother his story of his past is almost identical to brothers."

Ruby" Should we call our parents see if they can find out?"

Yang" I'd hate to get their hopes up and it turns out that he isn't."

Ruby" What if we send a picture of him to them and say that we think that he is our brother?"

Yang" That is a good idea."

Yang then used her scroll and took a picture of Y/n she first checked it and then sent to it their father.


Tai" Hey Yang why have you sent me a picture of this guy?"

Yang" Me and Ruby think that he's our brother. His name is Y/n, his past is almost identical to Y/n and he knows someone named Ankh the same name that Qrow told us when he Y/n left."

Tai" ... It could be him, right me, Summer and your mother will be coming over to see if it is."

Yang" Ok see you soon."

end of texting 

Time skip a couple of days later

Y/n was joy riding his bike around vale as he was he saw Yang, Ruby, Tai, Summer and Raven when he did he acted normal until he was out of their sight. When he was he speed dialed Ironwood.

Y/n" Dad they are here?"

Ironwood" You mean your old parents?"

Y/n" Yep just saw them while joy riding, I think we should contact Qrow."

Ironwood" No need he's already here."

Y/n" Alright I'm coming back. See ya in a minute."

Y/n hanged up and turned around and sped back to beacon as he did he zoomed past his old  family. When Y/n got to beacon he put his bike away and instantly ran to Ozpin's office, when he got in his office he saw both Ironwood and Qrow there.

Y/n" Right I'm here."

Qrow" Good right they've only just walked onto beacon's grounds."

Y/n" Should I just act natural or confront them now?"

Ironwood" We should do it now or they'll confront you when we aren't here."

Ozpin" I'll call them up now (school broadcast) Can Ruby rose, Yang xiao long, Tai xiao long, Summer rose and Raven Branwen please report to my office."

Y/n" Right then are we doing this normally or are we being funny?"

Qzpin shook his head no then Qrow and Ironwood did the same until Ozpin turned away, when he did both Ironwood and Qrow then nodded their heads with a smile on their face. Ironwood then got a holographic map out and Qrow marked different locations.

Ironwood" Right Y/n this map shows the different sittings of core medals (whispers) I have them on me I'll show you after this. (Y/n nods) The cores have been moving by themselves they could be looking for something."

Then Ruby, Yang, Tai, Summer and Raven walked in and when they saw Ironwood, Qrow and Y/n tehn froze.

Y/n" (turned around) Hey Ruby, Yang and pftt I want to say your parents?"

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