Jaunedice ( Chapter 7)

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It was two days after the last chapter everyone was in ooblecks class except for Y/n.

oobleck" Where is Y/n?"

Everyone shrugs, then Y/n walks in reading his new ancient book.

Y/n" (looks at oobleck) Sorry just reading an ancient book about the past of all greed, core medals and the first 000."

oobleck" (takes a sip of his flask) I'm intrigued what does it say?"

Y/n" (sits down at his seat) It says that a thousand years ago the first greeds came to a kingdom and wreaked havoc the king wanted a way to fight them to protect his people and kingdom so he asked some alchemists to create a weapon to fight them. The alchemists created the 000 driver and made some replica core medals that the greed has, the weapon worked but the king got greedy and got a copy of everyone core there is and scanned them at the same time. The power was to great and it sealed the king and every greed around him into a tomb, and the tomb was opened 20 years ago."

oobleck" There was another 000?"

Y/n" Yeah king 000 he faced all the greeds and was winning he even beat the king of greed, but he got greedy and was sealed away."

oobleck" I have one question though if the tomb was opened and all the greed were released where is the king?"

Y/n" Uhhh pfffft hang on (looks at the book) it says that when the tomb was opened the king was severally weakened and went into hiding. Now the book just describes all the core medals and original greeds."

oobleck" Interesting anyone who here can name me the advantage that the faunus had over the humans in the war?"

Cardin then threw a paper ball at Jaune.

Jaune" Hey."

oobleck" Ahh Jaune do you have an answer?"

Jaune" Ahhh let me think (looks at Y/n to see his eyes change) is it n-night vision?"

oobleck" Correct well done."

Cardin" Wait a minute Y/n told Jaune I saw it."

Y/n" No I didn't."

Cardin" Yes you did I saw it!"

Y/n" Oh just because I'm a greed ya racist."  

Cardin" I'm not being racist, you flashed your eyes purple giving him the answer."

oobleck" Cardin shush, Y/n is this true?"

Y/n" Not to my knowledge I didn't, I mean I don't have control of the power that makes my eyes do that so."

oobleck" Ok, Cardin please see me at the end of class."

The students then started to laugh.

Time skip

Team rwby and jnpr were at the cafeteria eating Y/n then walked over.

Y/n" Is it cool if I sit here?"

Jaune" I don't mind."

Everyone else there nodded. Y/n sat down next to Jaune.

Y/n" Oh by the way I do have control over it your welcome."

Jaune" Thanks."

???" Ow stop."

Everyone looked behind them to see Cardin bullying Velvet again, Y/n got up and walked up to Cardin.

Y/n" (whistles) Oi dickhead stop it."

Cardin" Make us."

Y/n just hit Cardin with a quick right hook and knocked him, Cardin's team tried to attack Y/n but Y/n just picked them up and slammed them into the floor and knocked them out. Y/n the turned to Velvet.

RWBY x male greed reader (Kamen rider 000 oc)Where stories live. Discover now