Saving a marriage ( Chapter 13)

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Y/n, Qrow and Ironwood were in Ozpin's office a couple of days after the last chapter.

Y/n " Right I'm going to talk to Salem and Ozpin you are coming with me. "

Ozpin " I will allow you to go but I will not. "

Y/n " Well, GET HIM! "

Qrow and Ironwood jumped onto Ozpin and knocked him out, Y/n then picked him up and put him in a bag.

Ironwood " Be careful Y/n. "

Y/n " I will bye Ironwood, bye Qrow. "

Y/n picked up the bag with Ozpin inside and got on a airship and was taken to Salem's castle.

Y/n picked up the bag with Ozpin inside and got on a airship and was taken to Salem's castle

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The airship landed and Y/n exit it with the bag and walked up to the door and knocked on it. After a couple of seconds Hazel opened the door.

Hazel " Who are you? "

Y/n " The new king of greed and medals, I'm here to talk to Salem. "

Salem " (in the distance) Let him in. "

Hazel stepped aside and Y/n walked into the castle and to Salem's conference room.

Hazel stepped aside and Y/n walked into the castle and to Salem's conference room

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Y/n then only saw Salem sat down.

Y/n " Right then. "

Y/n opened the bag and dropped Ozpin out of the bag.

Y/n  " Let's talk." 

Y/n sat down and Ozpin got up and was about to run until.

Y/n " ( points at Ozpin ) Sit your ass down. "

Ozpin then reluctantly sat down.

Y/n " Now then start from the beginning what happened? "

Ozpin " I was Ozma and saved Salem from her castle and we fell in love but I became ill and died. Salem tried to bring me back by going against the god brothers and to punish her they made her immortal as long as Remnant is here. The god brothers then made me keep  reincarnating to make peace across remnant, but at first I didn't do anything all I did was find Salem and we lived happily and even had kids, but Salem wanted to become the new god of remnant I didn't like that so we had an argument and tried to take our kids but Salem stopped me and we accidentally killed our kids and since then we have been at each others throats."

Y/n " ( turns to Salem ) That true?"

She nods.

Y/n " ( sigh ) Right Ozpin or Ozma don't care you're a fucking idiot, shes your wife talk to her and even if she doesn't listen stand by her no matter what, also if you did become the new gods then it could be possible to have peace across remnant. Also don't bring the kids into it. Salem you shouldn't off brought him back you need to learn that death is just as important then life, you could of asked the god brothers to be reunited with Ozma when you die. So basically both of you are idiots. "

Ozpin " But what can we do know? "

Y/n " Mend the relationship with your wife and together try and make peace on Remnant and if you can't just life together until Remnant is destroyed by itself then both of you should die. "

Salem " Y/n why are you doing this? "

Y/n " Because I'm helping you to see how you can rest and before you do your relationship needs to be fixed. "

Ozpin " ( looks at Salem ) He's right I-I'm sorry Salem for everything. "

Salem " Same my Ozma. "

They then hugged and kissed.

Y/n  " Now then see ya. "

Y/n then left the castle and went back to beacon and when he did Ironwood was waiting there.

Ironwood " How did it go? "

Y/n " Fixed their marriage I think and they are making up as we speak. "

Ironwood " Is it over then? "

Salem and Ozpin then appear.

Salem " The Grimm are still a threat as long as there are negative emotions the Grimm will exist. "

Ozpin" But our war with Salem is over. "

Y/n " ( saw his old family ) I have to do something. "

Y/n then walked up to them.

Y/n " Hey. "

Summer " Hello my boy we saw what you did, is it possible that you can forgive us as well? "

Y/n " I'll need time but maybe. "

Summer " ( hugs Y/n ) Thank you."

The others then joined in the hug and as they were hugging the screen goes black as this story ends 

Author note : Hope you enjoyed this story 

see ya in the next story bye

words : 774

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