Class (Chapter 3)

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It was the next day and Y/n was still asleep, he was tossing and turning around the bed. Y/n was having a nightmare currently in his dream he was watching Ankh die by the hands of the King greed, but after he saw a throne with him sitting on it in his greed form:

 Y/n was having a nightmare currently in his dream he was watching Ankh die by the hands of the King greed, but after he saw a throne with him sitting on it in his greed form:

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Greed Y/n" You know we should play the cards we are dealt, be the next king of the greed."

Y/n" I know that my fate as been sealed to be the next greed king but I wont be like the last one. I shall be the king I want to be!"

Greed Y/n" (smiles) Very well in order for you to be better than the last one you will need to learn to control his power. Once that is done you will be on a path to being a better king, but for know time for class."

Y/n just looked confused and the floor underneath him crumbled and Y/n fell, in the real world Y/n fell of his bed and landed on the floor.

Y/n" (groans) Ow."

Y/n got up and started to get ready. Y/n then went to his first class, he opened the door to a classroom. Y/n saw a teacher there.

Y/n" Am I in the right place?"

Port" Are you a first year? (Y/n nods) Then you are I am professor port, and you are?"

Y/n" Y/n L/n."

Port" Ah yes the greed welcome to my class, you are the first here so pick any seat you want."

Y/n" Thanks." Y/n sits down and makes an ice cream and starts to eat it. After a while other teams and students made their way into the room. Then almost everyone was there and the class started. Just before Port started Team Rwby and Jnpr ran into the room.

Ruby" We aren't late are we?!"

Port" No just in time, now take your seats."

They all did and Port started teaching but all it was, is a story about him. After he finished he turned to the students.

Port" Now then who of you think you are the right material for being huntsmen?"

Y/n" I do."

Port" Ok then please make your way down here."

Y/n walks down and stands there.

Port" (points to a cage) That is a Grimm boarbatusk you will be facing it, now please get ready."

Y/n" Alright forewarning I'm going to turn into my greed form, if five minutes pass and I start to attack anything and everything just leave me at it. Alright?"

Everyone nods, then Y/n did this:

Everyone nods, then Y/n did this:

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