First day!

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"WAKE UP Y/N!" Ginny scream in my head,

"Would you shut up?" i ask,

"Breakfast is in a minute" she say and leave my room, btw I'm Y/N Weasley, or I think, all the other Weasleys have red hair, mine is Y/H/C, (Sorry if you have red hair!) today I'm going to Hogwarts, I'm transferring form Durmstrang, I get up from the bed and find an outfit (Some baggy beige dickies pants and a white top) I go downstairs and see Harry and Hermione with the rest of the Weasleys,

"Good morning Y/N" Harry say, I roll my eyes and sit next to Fred,

"Ughhhh someone is tired" he say and shake me,

"Would you hand me the orange juice?" I ask him annoyed,

"It's so exciting witch house you will get into, it must be Gryffindor!" Hermione say excited,

"Omg yessss I'm sooooo excited" I say with sarcasm,

"Y/N!" Dad says, I take my orange juice and go back up to my room and pack the last things. Short time after Fred knock on my door,

"We're leaving now" he say. We all go out in the car and drive to king cross station, we walk into platform 9 3/4,

"Come on Y/N" Ron says and help me on the train, we sit down, I sit next to god damn Hermione, I take out my sketchbook and start drawing a dragon,

"Oh wow that's so pretty Y/N" Hermione says,

"Never asked" I say and keep drawing. After about an hour 4 boys and a girl come over to us,

"Who's that?" a blonde-haired guy asks, I can't stop staring at him, he's so fucking hot,

"No one" Harry answer,

"Oh so now I'm a nobody, fuck you" I say and start to draw again,

"Just back off Malfoy" Ron says,

"Ohhhhh, I bet he's sooo fucking scared of you" I say to Ron and try not to laugh,

"Would you just shut up?" Ron asks, I look up and see Malfoy stare at me,

"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" he say,

"Trust me I know, they won't shut up about you, I'm Y/N" I answer and smile to him, 

Draco pov.

Y/n, she's so fucking hot, but why is she sitting with fucking Potter, maybe she knows him, her smile is so pretty, wait hold up i just met her,

"Come on lets go" I say to the others, we go back to our seats,

"She was so fucking hot!" Theo says,

"She looked so sweet!" Tate say,

"Are you gay for her?" Blaise asks her,

"100%" Tate answers and laugh

"What do you think Draco?" Theo asks,

"She was alright" i answer,

"Alright seems to be the keyword there" Mattheo say and wink to me,

"Fuck off" I mumble.

Y/n pov.

"We need to change into our ropes" Hermione says,

"Should I wait?" I ask since I don't have a tie,

"You should" Ron says, they go out to the bathroom and leave me alone.

On the Castle.

I stand with the first years and wait to be sorted, Professor McGonagall said I would be first,

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