Kiss me

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Sorry for never updating something just came up so yea i'm sorry

I open my eyes seeing the hospital wing, i didn't die.

I slowly get up from the bed and out on the corridor, people are staring wired at me as they have done so many times before.

It's soon christmas, first chirstmas without my "family" I swear i have never felt more alone.

I ofcourse have all my friends, but it's not the same.

As i think about christmas i end up outside the Slytherin common room.

"Pure-blood" I mumble, the door opens and let me in.

I take a look around, there's completly empty.

I swear i love this place, it's so quiet, so dark and comfey.

Just like i like it.


It's been a week since i had Sheila, life with a little baby have been wired. And to be honest i don't think i like it, everything was so much easier without her.

And it's not like i love her cause she fucking threathen to kill my friends and Draco.

But i will raise her good. I know i will. Maybe i will learn to love her.

Anyways right now i'm in the hall with Sheila, we are waiting for Draco,

"Mother and father would like us to atent the yearly pure-blood ball" Draco says as he stand infront of us,

"What about Sheila?" I ask him looking down at my sleeping girl,

"We could ask Theo to look out for her?" He asks, i look up at him with a 'are you for real' look, "Or maybe not"

"I maybe know someone who can look out for her, when is the ball?"

"December 21" He answers, i nod to him and get up still with Sheila in my arms, before i leave i quickly kiss Draco's cheek and walk off.

After looking for her for about 10 minutes i see her by the greathall,

"Professor McGonagall!" I half yell at her before she enters the dinning hall,

"Yes, miss Black?" She answers with a worried look,

"I- could you maybe, you know, look after Sheila December 21?" I ask her,

"Ofcourse dear girl" She answers with a smile looking down at the sleeping girl,

"Thank you so much!" I say happyly and walk off again to find my friends.

Only i never find them, i feel a hand on my shoulder so i turn around to see who it is,

"What the fuck do you want?" I ask him confused,

"Kiss me" Cormac says,

"No thank you?" I answer and is about to walk off,

"Listen to me, kiss me!" He says louder violently grabbing my arm,

"Yo back off!" I say trying to get out of his grib, 

"Kiss me!" He says while pushing me up at the cold stone wall,

"Get off me!" I say with tears bruning in my eyes, Sheila wakes up and starts crying,

"Shut it up!" Cormac says refering to Sheila,

"I fucking can't you idiot!" I answer almost yelling, Cormac violently takes Sheila out of my arms, "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!" I scream at him, pulling my wand out, "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!"

"What is going on here?" A voice asks, i don't turn my head to see who it is,

"Nothing Weasley" Cormac answers,

"Give. Me. My. Kid" I say to Cormac, nothing happenes "I SAID GIVE ME MY GOD DAMN KID YOU DISGUSTING MOTHERFUCER!" I scream, still nothing, blid by anger i point my wand right at him, "AVADA KED--"

Before i can finish the curse i fall to the floor with Harry on top of me,

"GET FUCKING OFF ME POTTER!" I yell with tears rolling down my face.

I hear footsteps of someone who is running,

"What the fuck, get off her Pottah!" Draco's voice sounds, Harry quickly get's up from me,

"What happened?" Theo asks me low, i don't answer and get up from the floor,

"I'm gonna fucking kill you" I say low to Cormac, he looks fucking scared and quickly hands Hermione Sheila before running off.

I quickly walks over to Hermione and takes Sheila from her before slideing down to the floor,

"Hiiii sweetie, we are okay" I whisper to the crying girl in my arms, i myself have tears streaming down my face, "It's okay, i promise you" I whisper and softly shake her in my arms, "He didn't hurt you, did he?" I ask her low, she stops crying and look up at me with red fluffy eyes, "My little beautiful girl" I whisper and kiss her forhead.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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