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"Are you okay Y/n?" Tate asks, i don't answer i just keep looking at the celling like i have done the whole day, its two days since the boggart thing, i haven't spoken to anyone but Fred and George, Tate still talks to me, tell me about her day, the last two days i have been laying in my bed, i only get up to pee,

"Today Seamus blowed up his potion, that was kinda funny" She say and laugh to herself, "Y/n, can you please talk?" She asks, i roll on to my side and look away from her, she sigh loud, "I will go get you some food" she say and leave me alone, i start to cry again. the door open and someone comes inside,

"Hey angel, just cheeking up on you" Draco say and sit on my bed, he start running his hand thru my hair, he slowly wipe my tears away with his hand, "Its okay" he say and kiss my cheek,

"Hi Draco" i hear Tate say, she walk over to us and sit some food on my nightstand,

"Wanna talk about it?" Draco asks me,

"I have tried to talk to her for 2 days" Tate say annoyed,

"He raped me" i whisper, my voice sounds wired,

"Did you say something angel?" Draco asks,

"He raped me" i whisper louder, i look up at Tate, she stands with her hands on her mouth with tears in her eyes, "I was 13" i say low, i fell Draco's hand stop in my hair,

"Im so sorry angel" he whisper, Tate start crying and quickly hugs me,

"Im so, so so sorry" She say while crying into my shoulder, i start to cry again too,

"Did she talk?" Theo asks from the door,

"She did" Draco says,

"Is she okay?" he asks,

"Does she look okay?" Tate asks him annoyed from my shoulder,

"Sorry" Theo say and leave the dorm.

3 days later.

We all sit in the libary,

"Who was he?" Blaise asks,

"He raped me when i was 13" i answer low,

"Oh shit sorry" Blaise say, i smile a little sad smile.


344 WORDS!

Sorry for short chapter!

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