Tate's mom

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I wake up with a really bad pain in my stomach, it feels like someone stabbed me, i move my shirt and see a knife, oh someone did stab me, i can't help but cry, i fall out of my bed crying, there's blood all over my shirt and stomach. My baby.

I starts screaming as i think of it, it's not only me who have been stabbed, it's my child, Draco's child.

I starts screaming and crying even more. I need Draco but i can't move the pain is taking over everything, my head hurts, my stomach hurts, everything is getting blurry, i don't know if it's the pain or the tears there's the curse. It's getting harder to breathe.

"Just kill me now" I whisper low, one last scream, one last breath, one last look around before everything turns black.

I slowly opens my eyes, my stomach still hurts, my head still hurts, my sight is fucked, i slowly look around, I'm still in my dorm, the knife is still in me, I'm on the floor. But there's a new sound, a crying, in panic i look around seeing a little baby with stab wounds all over it, i scream loud, the baby starts screaming too while looking at me,

"DRACO!" I don't know what to do, i know he won't hear me, i can't walk i can't get out of the room with the knife in me,

"How could you, HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN!?" I turn my head seeing Draco standing besides me looking at the baby,

"I-i didn't mean to, P-please" I whisper, something seems off here,

"You killed our baby, you did this, you let this happened!"

"I didn't mean to, p-please Draco"
No reaction, out of nothing he grabs my throat and lift me up from the floor slamming me on the wall,

"You killed our baby!" He says loud slamming me on the wall again,

"P-please stop" I whisper begging him, he tightens his grip around my throat so it gets even harder to breathe, tears burn in my eyes,

"You're gonna regret this princess" He says hitting me hard, he rip my shirt off and pull the knife out of me, he push two fingers into my wound, I starts screaming loud of pain.
Just as I do that the door bursts open,

"AVARDA KE—" Someone yells but stops, Draco in front of me changes into some man, he quickly appert away, I fall to the floor crying like crazy,
I feel two pair of arms wrap around me I look up seeing Draco's grey eyes, I quickly back away from him,

"It's okay angel, it's me" He whispers, i thought the other one was him too, what if it's just another man, "We need to get you to madam Pomfrey" He says slowly walking over to me, i quickly back away until i feel the wall on my back, "Y/n it's me, I'm real, now let me take care of you angel"

He softly lay his hand on my shoulder, i starts screaming again,
"Y/n it's me, please just let me help you!" He says, is that tears in his eyes?

"I-i don't believe you, leave" I whisper,

"Y/n you know i can't do that" He answers kneeling down to me, "You are a very smart girl" Did his voice just change,

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I scream, someone opens the door,

"Come with me beautiful" The now woman in front of me says, i starts screaming even more,

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Mattheo yells from the doorway,

"Get out of here boy" She answers with a laugh,

"I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU DON'T TOUCH HER!" The woman quickly grab one of my tits, "AVARDA KE-" The woman quickly apperts us away, into a dark room with a black bed in the middle,

(TW: Rape)

She throws me on the bed and three men quickly ties me up,
"You are gonna die here girl" She says sliding her finger down my body, "Remember your little friend Tate?" She asks, just hearing her name makes me angry, "She's my daughter" She says with a laugh,

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