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Draco pov.

I look down at the sleeping girl in Mattheos bed, Y/n, my girlfriend, a tear is rolling down her face, i softly wipe it away without waking her up, she's the prittiest girl i have ever seen, with or without the new mark on her arm, i will do anything to help her through this.

I can't help but smile as i remeber the way her eyes light up when she smiles, the way her hair is all over the place when she's running, or the way she's run, it's like a mix with jumping, i love it, i love her-

"What's the clock?" Mattheo asks,

"4 pm" I answer looking at the clok on his bed stand,

"Okay" He mumble,

"Do you have a thing for Y/n?" I ask him,

"What do you mean?" He asks,

"I have seen the way you look at her" I answer plain looking down at her,

"I don't like her, we're just friends"

"Drop the act" I answer annoyed, "Look, she's my girlfriend, nothing will happened between you two, so just find another"

"I don't like her!" He answers loud,

"Shhh she's sleeping!" I says slapping his arm, it's so clear that he likes her, from the first day, the way he looks at her, and to be honest i don't blame him, like i felled for her too, but come on bro she's my girlfriend move on.

"Draco?" Y/n asks low,

"Yes love?"

"Do, do you love me?" She asks,

"Ofcourse i do" i answer talking her hand, why the hell would she asks that?

"Why?" She asks,

"I- why?"

"Why do you love me?"

"Because you are you, i love your smilie, i love your Y/e/c eyes, the way you laugh, or the wired way you chew your food, i love your opsesion with orange juice, i love the way you can be a real bitch but at the same time you're the sweetest person on earth" I answer looking her in the eyes the whole time, "I love, y/h/c and i love seeing you read or draw, i love the way you look at Snape when you want to kill him in class or the way your eyes light up when theres lunchbreak"

"I love you too" She whispers with tears rolling down her face,

"Don't cry love" I whisper low while wiping her tears away.


Once again a short chapter sorry, i just wanted to write about Draco's love for Y/n.

2 chapters in one day, i'm kinda proud tbh.

400 words

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