First school week!

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Theres some sexual content in this chapter!

"WAKE UP Y/N!" Tate yells in my face,

"Fuck off" i say and turn around,

"Come on breakfast is in an hour!" she says and pull my blanket off me,

"UGHHHHHHH!" I say and sit up in my bed,

"That's the spirit girl" she say and look at me with a happy face, i swear i have no idea how she got into Slytherin, but i'm glad she's here, that girl is always happy, "It's our first day back in school so we can't be late, go shower" she says glad, i get up from the bed and into the bathroom. after i have showered i take my school uniform on. Tate and i walk up to the greathall to get breakfast, Draco and Theo is there already,

"Morning ladies" Theo says as he sees us, i sit down beside him with a groan, i lay my head in my hands,

"Someone's tired" Draco says,

"Tell me about it" i say from my hands annoyed, "How can it be that we absolutely need to get up this early!?"

"I think exactly the same thing" I turn around and see a sleepy Mattheo,

"Ohhh little boyyy come here" i say and stand up and give him a hug, or we both just hang on eachother,

"Sit down and get some breakfast" Tate say to us, Mattheo sit on the otherside of me,

"Can i have the orange juice?" i ask Blaise who came with Mattheo,

"You really like orange juice" he say as he hand me the juice, (If you don't like orange jucie just imagine another juice)

"I do" i say as i pour a glass. After breakfast we go to out first class, defence against the dark arts, (DADA for short) we're the last once, i sit beside Draco in the back, Tate and Theo sits infront of us. half way thru the class Draco lay his hand on my thigh, i look over at him with my "What the fuck are you doing" look he just smirk at me and keep listing to Snape, i swear to god this is boring, Draco moves his hand further up at my thigh, i start to breath heavy, one side of me wishes that he will move his hand to my pussy, another part wishes that he will move his hand away from me, he slowly moves his hand under my school skirt and start to play with my clit outside my panties, i look over at him, he just pretend like nothing, still listing to Snape, he moves his hand inside of my panties and push a finger inside of me, i grab the table with one of my hands trying not to moan, he enter another finger, i bite my lip so i don't moan, he slowly pump them in and out of me, i grab his leg as i cum,

"Miss Weasley are you okay?" Snape asks, i look confused at him, all the other students turn around and look at me, Draco quickly move his hand,

"Um can i go to the bathroom sir?" i ask, Snape nods and continues the class, i look at Draco, he looks at me with a smirk, i get up and go to the bathroom, what the fuck just happened!?

After class.

"What the fuck happened Y/N?" Tate asks as we are going to lunch,

"Um i didn't fell that good" I answer,

"It looked like you felt amazing" Draco whisper to me with a smirk,

"Shut up!" i whisper back,

"Did it fell good?" he asks,

"Fuck off" i whisper,

"I will take that as a yes" he say loud with a smirk,

"What?" Mattheo asks,

"Nothing" Draco says, we sit down and begin eating, Ron, Harry and Hermione come over to us,

"What happened in class, are you okay?" Ron asks,

"Since when do you care?" i ask him annoyed,

"Your my sister, i will always care" he say,

"Oh even when you try to kill me?" i ask,

"Come on lets go" He say annoyed to Harry and Hermione,

"That means you won the agument!" Tate whisper to me,

"Oh thanks Tate i didn't relice that" i say with sarcasme

"Anytime girl, anytime" she say and smile at me.


700 WORDS!

I know this chapter is pretty short sorry!!!!

There will come more smut in the next chapters!

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