The truth!

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"Show me the test!" Draco say, i walk into the bathroom and find the test and hand him it, "Shit" he mumble, "Who's the father?"

"You" i mumble,

"What?" he ask,

"You" i say and look down in the floor,

"WHAT!" He yell,

"Im sorry" i say,

"Don't be, its more my fault than yours" he say, and take my hand, "How do you fell?" He asks,

"Shity" i say and start crying again, Draco and Tate hugs me,

"Its alright babes" Tate says,

"We're here for you" Draco say,

"Im only 16" I whisper,

"We know, we're going to find something out" Tate says,

"Lets just go get some food" I mumble, we walk up to the greathall, Theo, Blaise and Mattheo is there, we sit down silently,

"Is something wrong?" Blaise asks us, i shake my head in a no,

"Yes there is" Mattheo say,

"Its nothing" i say,

"I will go talk to Ginny" i say and leave the table and walk over to Ginny, she sits with Neville and Luna,

"Um Ginny, can we talk?" i ask,

"Um yea sure" She say, we walk out of the greathall,

"Is there anything wrong?" She asks, i look at her with tears in my eyes,

"Im pregnant" i say,

"OMFG Y/N!" She yells,

"I know" i say low and look at the floor,

"We need to tell mom!" She say,

"NO!" I yell,

"If you don't i do" She say,

"Fuck you" i say and go back into the greathall, i sit down beside Draco and Tate,

"What happened?" Draco asks,

"She's going to tell my mom" I answer,

"Tell your mom what?" Mattheo asks,

"Nothing" i say low,

"Y/n what's going on?" Blaise asks,

"Nothing" i answer,

"Something is wrong" Theo asks,

"Theres nothing wrong, if you will excuse me i gotta go home" i say and apparate home, i walk into the kitchen, Ginny is there with mom, dad and Bill,

"Omg Bill, long time" i say and hug him,

"Heeeey Y/n" he say and hug me back, i look over at Ginny,

"Have you told them?" I ask her,

"Not yet" She answer,

"I will fucking kill you if you do, if anyone is going to tell it, it shall be me"

"What is going on?" Dad asks,

"Y/n is..."

"I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" I yell and jump on her,

"Y/N RELAX!" Bill yells and lift me up from her, Ginny looks at me in chok, all of sudden, Harry, Ron and Hermione apparates in the kitchen,

"Why is everyone coming now?" Mom asks,

"We just wanted to say hi" Ron say, "Why are you guys here?" he asks me and Ginny,

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