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We have been walking for a while in between the dark trees, Ian taking the lead while I was striding as close as I could behind him. I certainly hoped there were no other carnivores around, especially no raptors, as I was sure those little bastards would make sure I don't get away alive.

"We should sleep," I mumbled over to Ian, grabbing his shirt from the back. He kept on moving. "There is no point in wandering around aimlessly. In the light, we could maybe find Alan, but I'm sure he isn't walking in the dark too."

"Fine," Ian sighed, obviously frustrated. "Where do you, uh, want to sleep?"

"No idea... Maybe up on a tree?" I looked up, barely seeing anything in the dark. "The small dinos can't get up there, and the large ones hopefully...won't look?"

We stopped, going up to the nearest tree and checking to see if the lower branches were climbable. I went ahead, almost missing my footing in the dark as I pulled myself up branch from branch, attempting to find a suitable place for two people to sit. I was about halfway up the tree when I found a wider branch along with a few smaller ones around it, providing a bit of a bigger space without the danger of falling to your death.

I climbed to the side of it, sighing in relief that I finally sat down after constant walking, and waited for Ian to appear as well. He took his sweet time, but climbed up beside me at last, leaning against the trunk of the tree with a huff. We were both extremely tired, and my muscles were aching for some rest at this point. All the previous adrenaline had left my body, leaving behind even more exhaustion.

"Should we dare to sleep?" I muttered under my breath, looking for any spaces that I could fall through around me.

"We will need the energy," Ian nodded, pulling up one of his legs in front of him. I saw the muscles tighten in his face.

"Are you hurt?" I asked, crawling to sit beside him. My knees were hurting a bit, having blood and dirt all over them. "Is it your leg?"

"Yeah, um, the t-rex pushed me a bit during the chase and I must have hit something," He nodded, massaging his leg. "Probably going to leave a few bruises."

"I'm glad you didn't get eaten," I added after a momentary silence, making him smile lightly. "I would probably be in the stomach of that thing, being digested if you didn't push me off the cliff."

"I didn't push you," He looked at me incredulously.

"Right, just pulled me with you," I smiled, resting my shoulder against his. "But you are right, a chaotician should be able to get through the chaos."

"Just sleep," He shook his head in amusement, pushing my head down onto his shoulder. "Get comfortable. Tomorrow will be a lot of walking."

I sighed, relaxing against him as I tried to ignore the hard tree underneath me, happy to at least have something warm to sleep on. Which sounded a bit weird, but then again, this whole day seemed like a strange fever dream anyway. I successfully escaped a t-rex, without finding myself down its throat, which had to be an achievement not many could boast about.

My blinks slowed down as I dozed off to sleep, feeling Ian wrap his arm around me as he pulled me even closer to him. Probably for warmth.

Or not.

When I opened my eyes, I realized that I was in the same position that I fell asleep in and that my neck was aching horribly as I lifted it off my slightly bony pillow. The sunlight peaked through the trees, warming my exposed legs. My clothes weren't wet anymore, they managed to dry a bit last night, but they still weren't the best to sleep in while damp.

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