Author's Note

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 Just a quick little note before you begin.... 

This is a FaramirxOC fanfiction as mentioned in the bio but, like the majority of my stories, it is heavily based around my original character Arathiel. It does follow the storyline of all three of The Lord of The Rings books with most of the scenes matching closer to the movies portrayal of J.R.R Tolkien's creation. 

It is a slowburn and so be warned there will be little romance for a while. There will be mature content, violence, mentions of abuse and perhaps SMUT in this book. It will be noted at the beginning of each chapter if there is anything that you should warned of. If there is anything that triggers you that you think might need a warning and I do not have it labelled as such please let me know and I will rectify that immediately. 

I have written and am writing two books based in Middle-Earth. One, this one, based around The Lord of The Rings and another based around the Hobbit. At the time of writing this, Immortalitui is the first one I have written and The Hobbit book is not up yet but if you are reading this after both are up, I just wanted to clear up that it does not matter which book you read first (if you are planning to read both) and that reading one and not the other does little to impact your reading of either book. 

There are references in both to the other but the reasons and backround are explained within the dialogue and if it is not clear for you, feel free to leave a comment and I will try to explain it.

There is also a character named Rose Baggins who appears in the opening and closing chapters of this book. She is another OC, created for The Hobbit fanfiction and is not part of the lore but she has relation to both storylines, as does Arathiel.

As a side note, the outlets for Sindarian translation are quite limited and so there are some phrases I had attempted to translate as fully as I can but there are simply no translations for certain words. 

Now, without further ado and before I waste anymore of your time, I wish you luck at journeying with me through Middle-Earth and I sincerely hope that you enjoy your reading. 

Katie xxx

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