1: Drop The Act Man

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My feet pounded on the pavement as I ran. Blood ran down my forehead as I ran harder. I burst through the door of my house and closed the door quickly behind me.

"Y/N, where have you been?" Darry yelled as soon as I shut the door. "Why are you bleeding?"

"Those damn Socs," I panted, everyone was staring at me. "never can mind their own fucking buisness."

"Couldn't beat their ass?" Dallas asked. He was always trying to get under my skin. Sure I could beat anyones ass, but not when a bunch of them get the jump on me. "Thought you could beat anyone?"

"I can't beat five Socs at once, Winston." I spat angerly. I then felt the gash on my forehead, "I'm gonna kick that Socs ass."

"Drop the act, man. We all know you're not as tough as you say you are." he replied cooly.

"And you're not as cool as you think you are." I folded my arms across my chest and looked at him. He suddenly stood up.

Dallas and I usually didn't care for each other but we didn't fight all the time. We were mad at each other right now though. I'm not even sure I remember why.

That was a weak insult, if that's hits a nerve he must be sensitive.

I laughed to myself at that thought.

"You know, if you know what's good for you, you'd shut your trap."

"You know why don't we take this outsi-" I was cut off by Darry's loud voice.

"Enough you two! I'm tired of you arguing all the time." Darry cut in.

"Well, if Winston here, wasn't such an assho-"

"Oh that's real rich comin from a phycopath."

"Oh, here we go again with you calling me a fucking psychopath. Get a new bit for fucksake. You don't know anything about me."

"Watch your language." Darry pointed at me sternly.

"I know you enough to know that you care about no one but yourself!"

"For fucks sake, I should've never come home." I then began to walk out of the house.

"Where you goin Y/N?" Pony asked me. I was too angry at Dallas to notice the entire gang sitting in the living room.

"Goin' to blow off steam." I was about 20 feet away from the house when I heard feet behind me. I looked back and saw, of all people, Winston, running up behind me with a pissed off look on his face.

"Y/N, wait. Go home, Superman told me to get you." he said angerly. I kept walking.

"Piss off. Winston."

"Don't make me throw you over my shoulder Curtis." he threatened. I laughed and kept walking.

"Yeah, okay, sure you will." I said sarcastically. He grabbed me by the wrist and yanked me towards him.

"Let's go." he grit his teeth.

"Okay, okay, fine." once he let me loose, I booked it to Soc territory. I lost him behind me when I turned a sharp corner and I heard the rumbling of an engine.


I thought to myself as a smirk played across my face. I walked back out into the light of the street light on the dark night. I heard the rumble of an expensive blue Mustang. The Mustang stopped and out hopped 3 Socs. The perfect amount to blow off some steam.

"What are you doing out here all alone pretty lady." one of them slurred, clearly drunk. Wouldn't be as fun when they can't tell where they're goin' but, oh well.

"Um," I faked nervous, "I'm just going home." I slouched my shoulders and lowered my voice volume.

"Well, why don't we show you a good time?" Another slurred. Two of them grabbed me by the arms and I faked a scared face. "It won't be long."

That's when I twisted my arms out of the Soc's holding me. I kicked the other guy where the sun don't shine and began to beat the other two. The other Soc pulled me off and swung at me, nailing me in the jaw. I spit out blood and punched him in the face. He fell from the impact and I sat on his chest. I began swinging and eventually knocked him out. I kicked the other in the head and slammed the last ones head against the gravel. The two ran off while the one sat there, knocked out cold. I stood up and checked for a pulse, making sure I wouldn't get thrown in the cooler for murder. I then walked away, feeling cooled off.

I walked around a while more, grabbing a beer along the way and finishing it before I began walking up to my house. I walk through the door and I'm met with Darry.

"Where the hell have you been. I've been worried sick. Soda, hasn't even gone to bed yet cause he was worried about you." I just stared at him blankly as he yelled at me. This wasn't unusual, I always went out late and Darry always yelled at me saying how it was my fault and blaming me for his and Soda's loss of sleep.

"You both could've gone to bed." I said with slight sass. "Soda's my twin, he would've known if something happened to me." Soda and I had the twin thing no one else had. We always knew when the other was in trouble. Suddenly, something popped into my head. "Did Johnny go home? Darry I swear if you let him go home or sleep in the lot I-" I was cut off by Darry, for the five hundereth time today.

"Johnny is sleeping on the cot in Pony's room." he said calmly.

"We need to do something about his parents. We gotta get him outta there Darry."

"I'm trying, but I have to get enough money to-"

"I'll get a job." I said quickly before I could regret it. I grimaced the idea of a job but I'd do anything for Johnny. That's one thing Winston and I had in common, we'd both do anything to protect Johnny Cade.

"Why don't you go back to school?" Darry asked me.

"Dar, you know I ain't smart. I ain't got a future like Pony does."

Pony had the brightest mind I had known. He was so smart and a very good writer. The way his pencil moved across the paper as ideas flooded his mind and overcame him. The way you could see inspiration in his eyes as the words seemed to write themselves. His writing could move even the coldest of hearts. He could have a much better life outside of this shitty town. That's all Darry, Soda, and I wanted for him. He may not see it now, but he'll be a hell of a lot more succesful than he could ever imagine.

Most of all he could have a long, happy life.

Darry's voice then broke me out of my thoughts.

"Don't you worry 'bout money. I'll get the money to care for Johnny." He then walked toward me, "We'll help him."

His hand rested on my shoulder with a reassuring face.

"I'm going to see Soda and tell him it's okay to go to bed." I walked upstair to me and Soda's room and saw him nodding off while sitting up on the bed.

"Hey, Soda."

"Thank God you're okay." he got up and hugged me.

"I'm always okay. Why was this any different?" I asked him.

"I thought Dally might've pushed you over the edge... again." he said, a sad look crossed his movie star features. Last time Dallas pushed me over the edge I put a Soc in the hospital.

"I'm okay, Soda. Let's get to bed."

Soda was already in his night clothes so I grabbed one of Soda's t-shirts and shorts and crawled under the covers. He slung his arm over me as we both began drifting off peacefully.

"Night, Sis."

"Night, Pepsi." I smiled as I drifted off into a night of sleep.

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