7: You All Deserve To Know

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"Good morning. So, you can go home as soon as your parents fill out the discharge papers." She smiled warmly at me, something I wasn't used to as a greaser.

"I um, I don't have parents. My brother, Darry, is my legal gaurdian. He takes care of me and my other two brothers."

"He seems like an amazing brother."

"He is." I smiled at the thought of my family.

Damn, I'm gonna lose my rep.

Then, I got to wondering why this nurse was being so nice to me. "Are you grease?"


"Are... are you grease?"

"How'd you know?" she laughed.

"You're just being really nice. Socs don't ususally show such kindness to greasers, but I'm sure you know that."

"I didn't come from money, but I made myself something. I can now see both end of the spectrum, so I think everyone deserves kindness."

"Yeah, not everyone."

"What put such a bad view on the world for you?"

"You've seen the number someone did on me." I gestured to my body, "Its hard to have a good view when someone decided you were less than human."

"Well, try to focus on the good; you'll be leaving here soon and you get some time off school. My name is Rose, by the way." She smiled, once again, and walked out of the room.

Should I tell her I'm a dropout? Nah.

Groaning, I tried to stand up and get back into my clothes, but then realized my shirt, well Dally's shirt, had blood on it. But I wanted to be dressed, so I called Dally for another shirt. Before going over to the phone, I pulled on my jeans, since I was left in my undergarments, and pulled the gown off. Dialing Buck's number, I let the phone ring.


"Buck! My man! Hey, is Dally there? It's Y/N by the way."

"Sure. Hey, will I see ya' next Friday? I'm havin' a party."

"We'll see if Darry will let me out of his sight. I'll explain later when I stop by, but I'll talk to ya'."

"Alright. I'll get 'ole Dally."

"Who is it?" Dally's voice came over the phone.

"Its Y/N. Hey, could you maybe bring me another shirt? I hate this damn gown they put me in and my brothers will be here soon."

"Sure, I'll be down there is a second. I got me a car last night."

"Mmm, did you hotwire this car?"

"Maybe, but the details ain't important to you. You've got just as long of a criminal record."

"Yeah and in half the time, you better step it up."

"Damn. You want the shirt or not?"

"Alright I'll stop. Just get your ass over here, I'm in jeans and a bra." I whispered the last part into the phone then hung up. I walked back over to the bed, feeling a sense of relief when I layed down.

I was reading a magazine when I felt a piece of cloth hit me in the face.

"Ouch asshole."

"Hey, I'm the only one here last time I checked." he smirked.

"We're gonna lose our rep bein' nice to eachother." I said as I pulled on the shirt, keeping my back to the bed. I tried to keep my arms over my stomach, fearing he might make fun of my body. "Fat" "Ugly" "Chunky" I've heard it all and I'm honestly really insecure about my body. Sure, I could get anyone to sleep with me, but only the sleezy kind that'll sleep with anyone.

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