3: I'm Just Tired

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Adam pulled me to the dance floor and pulled my back into him. He rolled his hips to my ass and I rolled my hip backwards. I put my hand on his face and dragged my hand down his face to his wrist. His mouth was near my ear and I could hear every noise he was making. He groaned in my ear and pulled my hips toward him.

Turning around, I grabbed his shoulder with on hand and let the other fall to my side. Firmly, he gripped my hips once more and roughly yanked me towards him. We rolled our bodies together in sync and I could tell he was liking it due to the persistent grunts that were falling from his lips.

"Damn Y/N, you sure work fast!" Two-Bit's voice sounded in my ear. I turned my head to look at him and stopped grinding on Adam. He looked down at me and I looked at him. Both our bodies were sweating from all the body heat in the room. He had a certain glint in his eyes, a mischevious one. I knew what he wanted, I wanted it too, purely out of boredom.

"Well, I'd assume you would've picked up a girl by now, Two." I chuckled a bit, but soon stopped when I started to feel a little woozy. I swayed a bit and steadied myself, wanting to continue the night.

"Nah, not yet at least." I smirked at him already knowing what he was thinking. "Wanna get shitfaced together?" he wiggled his eyebrows at me. I smirked and nudged him in the arm, playfully.

"Hell yeah. Let's do shots!" We were both buzzed so we were a little too excited. We walked over to the bar and I shouted for Buck. "Buck! Shots, man. Start with a round and you know the drill." I turned my body towards Two now. "You know the drill, first to tap out or do something stupid, loses and pays the tab."

"Got it." he held his hand out to me and we shook on it.

Buck set down our shots and looked at us. Two and I grabbed our first shots and downed them, setting the glasses back on the counter. The liquid burned down my throat, but in a good way. Shot after shot, I felt my pains slowly slip away. All the memories that were crashing back like a tidalwave from today. As they kept washing back the alcohol would pull them back down along with it. The memories burned more than the alcohol did and I knew that with my alcohol hangover there would also be a memory hangover.

The memories would pull me under the water, drowning me. The air of good feeling would leave my lungs so fast that I wouldn't even notice. I knew I would repeat it all again tomorrow; Get high, drink, and have sex with some random guy either in the back of his car or in his bed. Two-Bit got drunk everyday, but no one really seemed to care. When I drank, Darry thought it was the end of the world. Like giving poison to the sweet, furry animals we cuddle with at night. The poison of the mind was only too happy to turn our fluffy friends into monsters. Monsters that live in your closet and under your bed, waiting to grab you by the ankle when you step onto the floor for a glass of water. It's ready to suck you under and poison you, so that you feel the pain of the poison aswell.

We were now on shot 13 and the entire crowd was surrounding us, cheering us on as we kept going. It takes a lot to get me and Two so drunk that we just can't take it anymore. Two-Bit and I usually tap out around shot number 14, but I was determined tonight. I had to make the memories go away. I was feeling dizzier by the second but I kept going. I knew it wasn't from the alcohol, this was a different feeling. It felt like slipping off a cliff, one hand on the edge of the cliff, gripping on for dear life.

"Shot 14, Y/N! Think you can handle it?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me and gave me a drunken smirk. This was gonna hurt in the morning.

"Please," I slurred, "this ain't sh- shit." My words were running together. "You're on now." I was wobbling now. We threw the shots back and slammed the glasses down. Two-Bit dug in his pocket and grabbed some bills. He slammed the bills on the counter and I shouted in victory. "Wooooo! Buck! Get me a victory shot!"

"I think that's enough, Y/N." Soda put his hand on my wrist, looking at me seriously.

"Soda." I whined, dragging out the 'a' in 'Soda'. I began to wobble in my spot, losing my rush. "I'm... I'm fine... I'm just tired." I swayed in my spot and felt myself falling to the ground. Before I could reach the ground, the world went black.

Before Soda could register what had happened, he heard you hit the floor. You were out cold. Soda quickly got down by your side picking you up in his arms, bridal style, and carried you outside. Steve, Pony, Johnny, Two, and Dally followed after. Soda set you on the ground and began shaking you, trying to wake you up. Johnny crouched down beside you and tapped your face lightly.

"Dally, go get her some water." Johnny ordered Dally, something he only did in urgent cases.

"I'm not getting this bitch water, man. She's a fucking psycopa-"

"Dallas, go get her water unless you want Darry on your back." Soda's voice was hurried and stern, something you never heard often.

"Fine man, whatever." Dallas huffed and went off to get you some water. When he got back with a glass of water he tipped the glass over your head and let the water wake you up.

I sat up with a gasp. I saw 6 buff shadowy figures standing over me. Memories crashed through my head and I began scooting back on my elbows. I stood up and backed up a little. I was hyperventalating, trying to receive the air avoiding its way down to my lungs. I was still very woozy, but the gang shouldn't see me like this.

So, I ran for the hills.

"Y/N!" I heard Johnny shout after me. The gang (minus Darry) were all yelling after me, trying to get me to stop. I heard feet behind me and I knew it was Pony. I ran harder and faster, because I knew he was fast. It was no use though. I felt his body crash into my back, sending both of us to the floor.

"What the hell, Pony?" I laughed slightly, rolling him off my back. I lay there for a second, feeling crappier than ever.

"No, what the hell you, Y/N?" Soda slightly shouted as him and the gang ran up to us. "What's with the passing out and getting high?" I honestly didn't know why I passed out, but the getting high was to supress feelings.

"I just like the feeling of getting high and I don't know why I passed out. Probably too much alcohol." I shrugged.

"Bullshit Y/N, you-" I cut Johhny off.

"Please, can we just talk about this tomorrow? My head is pounding."

"Whatever let's go." Steve said.

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