The Party

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Summer's finally heeerrree, I'm so excited :D
Just a forewarning, this is a longer chapter;)
I sit in the park, lost in thought, until I hear a voice calling my name. I look up to see Rose heading towards me, sitting on the swing next to me.

"Hey! Come on, we're gonna be late!" She says. Taking my hand, trying to pull me off the swing.

"Late for what?" I finally give in, letting myself fall off the swing.

"Melissa's party! Duh, everyone's been talking about it!" She rolls her eyes, opening her car door and getting in the drivers seat.

"I don't really think that's a good idea Rose... I just got humiliated in front of the whole school. Plus, Calum's probably gonna be there, and I can't really deal with that right now," I try my hardest to change her mind, although I know it's probably not gonna happen.

"Oh, get over it. I know you like him, so that's why we have to go to my house, make you look hotter than you usually do, and go to that party and dance like you've never danced before." My heart skips a beat and my eyes widen.

"You... You know?" I stutter, lost for words at how she knew, when I barely knew myself.

"Oh come on Sam. You can't expect me not to know. I've been your best friend for 13 years," I don't say a word for the rest of the ride to her house, letting her assume she's right... Which she is.

When we finally get there, we walk up to her blindingly pink room. Right away, she starts digging through her closet, looking for the perfect outfit for tonight. After a few seconds, she throws me a tiny strip of black fabric.

"What the hell is this?" still deep in the closet, Rose scoffs.

"It's your dress, silly," I look again at the tiny piece of black clothing, which is now starting to resemble, somewhat, a very, very low cut dress. "Now go try it on."

Huffing, I stomp into Rose's connected bathroom, shutting the door behind me. Minutes later, I look into the full body mirror. I have to admit, the dress hugs my curves perfectly, showing just enough cleavage, going down to just above mid thigh. I walk back into the room, seeing that Rose has already changed into a dark red, low cut, knee length dress.

"See! You look hot!" She gushes, looking at me from across the room.

"I look like a stripper ." She doesn't say anything in return, but drags me over to sit on the end of the bed.

After about an hour, we both emerge from her room, hair curled to perfection and makeup done beautifully. Throwing me a pair of heels, she says, "There's no way that Calum will be able to stay away from you now."
*At the party*
I don't really know what I was expecting this to be like. I've never been to a party before, so when we arrived at the house, my heart was beating and my palms were sweating. I open the car door and step out into the cool fall air.

The second I open the front door, I immediately regret letting Rose drag me here. The smell of alcohol fills my nose, making me nauseous. People everywhere, grinding, making out, making the entire house seem claustrophobic and stuffy.

A couple minutes in, I see Calum standing by a group of girls, laughing and flirting. Soon after that, I feel Rose leave my side, and I start to panic. People start shoving me from every direction, an elbow jabs into my ribs, making me gasp for air. Just as my eyesight starts getting black around the edges and my breathing gets shallow, I feel a large hand on my back, guiding me out of the mob of people, towards a less crowded corner of the house.

The man sits me down on the couch, handing me a water bottle. While I'm in the process of opening the bottle, he speaks, "Are you okay? You looked like you were about the faint back there."

I take a drink, feeling the cold water run down my throat, instantly making me feel better, and look up to see a boy with beautiful green eyes and a full head of curly hair, "Yeah, I'll be okay, sorry for that..."

"There's no reason to be sorry, I'm Ashton, by the way," he smiles and then gestures to a short, blond girl with glimmering hazel eyes, standing next to him. "And this is Katelyn, my girlfriend."

I politely smile at both of them, "Nice to meet you, I'm Samantha. Listen, it's been nice talking to you, but it's getting sorta late, I should probably get going."

"Okay, bye Samantha, come get me if you need a ride, I'd be more than happy to take you," Ashton grabs his girlfriends hand and goes into the throng of people.

I search the house, looking for Rose, but I soon find myself going in circles, not being able to find her. I decide to look up in the bedrooms just in case she decided to have a little "fun", which I doubt.

I climb the stairs and open door after door, finding them all locked except one. Without knocking, I open the door to see a couple on the bed. As they both look towards me, who's standing in the doorway, I swear that someone from a mile away could hear the sound of my heart breaking into a million pieces.

"Rose? Calum?"

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