Friends? Not anymore .

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The next morning I woke up with a throbbing headache and my eyes bloodshot and swollen from last nights crying episode. Honestly, all I wanted to do is curl up in a ball and sleep for the rest of my life. Thankfully, it's Saturday, so I don't have anything to do.

I take this to my advantage, enjoying my day as much as I can, trying to forget about what happened last night. Today was the epitome of a lazy day, to say the least. I got up out of bed minimal times, usually only to eat or go to the bathroom. That is, until my phone buzzed with a text...

Hey, you wanna go to the mall? ;)

A hatred towards this girl, who calls herself my "friend", pulses through my veins. Why does she think she can go and fuck the guy she knows I like and think she'll still be my best friend afterwards, like nothing ever happened? For a moment I felt like going off on her right this moment, but common sense tells me that doing that won't help anything. So instead, I decide to text her and tell her okay, knowing that I should talk to her in person.

Yay! I'll pick you up at 6:30?

I look at the clock next to me surprised, wondering how to day went by so fast, it being already 6:00.


Kay, see you then :)

I jump out of bed, my feet hitting the cold hardwood floor, and walk into the bathroom.

After I take a shower and do my makeup, it's 6:20. I walk over to my dresser, rummaging through until I find my favorite flannel and my signature black skinny jeans. Since I don't really have time to straighten my hair, I let my long, honey colored hair fall in natural waves down my back.

I hear Rose's horn in front of my house and I run out to meet her. Opening the door, I climb into the front seat in awkward silence.

"You look depressed, what's wrong with you?" Rose asks after a few minutes in silence. I just shrug, not wanting to talk to her, but wanting to say so many things.

"Are you mad?" I nod, still holding back my words.

"If this is about the whole Calum thing, then it's not my fault. He was practically throwing himself at me and come on, he's literally the hottest guy in school, there's no way that I could've-" that's when the dam of words broke inside of me and suddenly, I was saying some things I didn't even know I was thinking.

"Oh my god Rosemary. When did you become such a fucking bitch? You know I like him. Isn't that the only reason we went to the party? But noooo, barely even an hour there and you turn into a fucking slut and feel the need to go screw your best friends crush. I'm done Rosemary, I'm done. Being friends with you for 13 years and now this is how you act? Fuck yo-" the car slams to a sudden stop, sending me slamming into my seat belt. I looked over to Rosemary to see her normally beautiful green eyes filled with fury, her hands turning white from gripping the steering wheel so tight. In all the time I've known her, I've never seen her look this angry.

"Get out," she mumbles, barely audible.

"What? Rosemary, we're 5 miles away from-" I say, shocked.

"I said, get out." she says louder, but still doesn't look at me when I slowly getting out of the car.

"Fuck you," and with that, I slam the car door and storm off towards the direction my house.

The first thing I do is check my pocket for my phone, only pulling it out to find that it's dead. Great, I think. Before I know it, the sky starts to darken and the number of cars passing by slowly gets less and less. I groan, thinking that it can't get worse then this. Boy was I wrong. Right at this moment I feel a drop of water hit my head. This one drop of water soon turns to many and this soon turns to a full out thunderstorm.

Despite my situation right now, I let out a little laugh at the patheticness
(A/N is this even a real word? xD) of this entire scenario. Its like I'm in a movie and this is the scene before the main character either gets kidnapped or saved by the prince... Lets hope it's the second one. I let myself stop for a brief moment in the pouring rain, with still a mile left to walk. Truth is, I'm not sad at all by what just happened. If anything, it made me so much angrier. I continue walking, but by this point, with the mixture of rain and nighttime darkness, it's nearly impossible to see.

I haven't seen a car for about 20 minutes when a pair of headlights shine in my eyes, nearly blinding me. I think nothing of it at the time, but when the car stops next to me and the owner rolls down the window, what I see makes my heart beat so much faster, but makes it stop all at once.


It takes me a couple times to form the word, still not comprehending it, but when I finally spit it out, it makes it so much more real.


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