The Date

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I'm just warning you that this is a really sappy, long chapter, that's why it took me so long to write.. Anywhoo, I've been getting so many reads lately... Thank you guys so much, I really appreciate it. Ily:) <3
I wake up the next morning with a smile on my face, and not even the fact that I have school tomorrow can ruin my mood.

Who knew that a stupid boy could make a girl so happy?

I know I should be careful. This is the same boy who's been a complete asshole to me, but something inside of me just can't help falling for him.

I look at the alarm clock next to my bed and see that it's 1 o'clock in the afternoon. I realize that there's only 2 hours until Calum picks me up and a warm feeling goes through my body. Grabbing my phone from my bedside table, I go to text Calum.

So what do you have planned for tonight?

Man this boy is fast at responding. I only had to wait a couple seconds before my phone buzzed with an answer.

Sorry, can't tell you. It's a surprise;)

But I haattteee surprises...

Oh well:p

After about a few minutes, I finally get my lazy butt up and walk downstairs to be met with my mom and little brother, Tyler, eating lunch.

"Hey buddy, I missed you," I ruffle Tyler's hair and sit in the chair next to him, grabbing a plate in the process.

"I missed you too Sammy! You should've come, grandma had lot of food and she gave me money!!" Tyler says excitedly, almost bouncing in his seat.

"Morning Samantha, or should I say good afternoon?" my Mom teases from across the room.

"Morning," I probably should warn you. I HATE mornings. If you ever try to talk to me right when I wake up, chances are you'll walk away with some new bruises.

"Do you have any plans for today?" she asks.

"Yeah, I'm going out with a..... friend," knowing she would ask more questions if she knew it was a boy, I left that little detail out.

"Does this 'friend' happen to be a boy?" Dang it, cover blown.

I blush and look down at my food and mutter, "maybe...."

My mom squeals and confirms what I said a few seconds ago, "Okay tell me everything. What's his name? Is he cute? How old is he? Do you-"

"Mom! His name is Calum and that's all I'm giving you," I physically see the disappointment in her face from me not telling her more.

"Aw, but," she protests.

"No buts Mom," I laugh. "I swear, sometimes I think you're the teenage girl in this house. Okay, I should probably start getting ready. Call me when he gets here, okay?" She says yes and I head up to my room again. By the time I get ready, it's about time for Calum to pick me up. Right on cue there is a knock on the door and I groan internally the second I hear my moms voice welcome him inside, worried that she's going to embarrass me.

Walking downstairs, I see Calum and my mom hitting it off. (A/N noT IN THAT WAY YOU TWISTED PEOPLE) Contrary to what I thought, nobody looked awkward. In fact, they both look happy and intrigued in their conversation, although the second in hit the bottom of the stairs, Calum stands up of the couch.

"Hey Sam," he smiles that charming smile of his, enough to make any girl melt, "Your mom was telling me about that one time you swallowed a sewing pin when you were 9.... How did you even manage to do that?"

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